The Peace Keeper

The Peace Keeper (Twilight) 26

Jake really started asking questions once we got back to the apartment. When we entered the door, Victor was on the couch, watching TV. I wheeled over to the kitchen, opening drawers and cabinets, searching for sharp objects.

"What are you doing?" Was Jacob's first question.

"Removing all sharp utensils from the premises." Was my short answer, forks and knives piling up on my lap.

At this, Victor glanced over his shoulder at me. "So Bec and Ed are visiting?"

"You guessed it right."

"Make sure you get that toaster out of here, too." Then my twin returned his undivided attention to the television.

Jake was lost, "Wait, wait, wait... Who exactly are these people?"

I stopped my collecting, pursing my lips a bit. "Well... Ed and Bec are... They're friends of ours." The statement came out more as a question.

"What do they do, then? Are they peacekeepers like you guys?"

"Eh... sorta. They're similar to peacekeepers. At least in the sense we can do all the same things. But they don't answer to the authority we do. Those two aren't obligated to 'keep the peace' as Victor and I are." I tapped my chin in thought, "There's probably some long Latin word that describes what they do, but I certainly don't know it. If anything, they're more like mercenaries... In our world, at lest. To humans, they're just party loving DJs."

"That's pretty cool... So why the utensil roundup? It's like you're baby proofing the house." Jake sucked in a breath, just realizing he said the "B" word. Victor snapped his head back to give him a look, while I, on the other hand, remained unaffected.

"They can get a bit rowdy, that's all."


Jake stayed the rest of the day, then left just before the sun went down. He said he'd be back in a few hours, after patrol. I still missed him (though I would never admit it...).

Victor had fallen asleep on the couch, and I was just wheeling around the small apartment aimlessly. I was waiting for Ed or Bec to call again... As I never told them where I lived. All they knew was that I was in Forks, Washington.

Just as things began to get boring, a barrage of knocks admitted from my door. Victor awoke with a start, fallen off the couch in the process. I snorted a laugh, knowing full well who as at my door.

Since I was currently crippled, I asked Vic to get the door.

Groggy and annoyed, he obeyed, immediately regretting his decion as Bec and Ed came charging through the door, right by him.

"Emma-Kate! Dude!!" Ed screamed, hugging (choking) me.

"Ed, get off her. She's crippled for god's sake." Bec scolded from behind her.

Pouting a bit, Ed backed off and Bec greeted me. Same amount of joy, less enthusiasm (much to my liking).

I took a moment to get a good look at them. The two hadn't really changed much since I last saw them. They were into the industrial scene, which was obvious by looking at them. First, I analyzed Bec. She was the taller of the two, but only by about an inch or so. Her hair I was envious of: a natural dirty blond, but she had bright streaks of maroon, purple, and various blues, all scattered in her layers. Her crystal blue eyes resided behind rimless glasses. Bec wore mostly black. A black tee-shirt, baggy black cargoes, a studded belt, boots, and long leather trench coat.

Ed was different, but the two seemed to match perfectly. This one had darker hair, a blackish-brown color, and only one chunk of neon green hidden under a short layer on the right side of her head. Ed's eyes were and odd hazel, (either green or gray, it was hard to tell) outlined in heavy makeup. Another distinctive facial feature was the lip ring, on the right side of her lower lip. The shorter girl wore something a bit less conservative: a black cami with a green and black plaid miniskirt, fishnets, boots similar to Bec's, and only a black band hoodie (which band, I honestly couldn't tell. No doubt one that only THEY knew, I'm sure).

Ed and Bec seemed to be looking at me the same way I was looking at them.

"You look like shit, dude." Ed stated bluntly.

Bec nodded, "She's right, dude. You're skinny as hell... I want to feed you."

"Same. And your hair's a lot lighter than it used to be."

"No surprise," Bec scoffed, "There's not much sun up here."

"You should come to Cali with us, dude."

"Dude, seriously. You kinda need it."

I sighed, "Guys, I was just in a coma... I don't expect to look my best right now."

They gasped, "You were in a coma?! Dude!"

I was still shocked they could always speak in unison. Not even my brother and I could do that. And we were twins!

"Wait a minute..." I suddenly realized, "How did you guys know where I lived?"

They gave each other a look before saying, "We have our ways," With a smirk.

I was about to retort, when another knock came from the apartment door. Boy, I'm popular.

This person didn't wait for someone to answer, and just poked their head it, "Hey, I'm back," It was Jake.

"Dude..." Ed gawked at his size.

"Dude, I know..." Bec added.

"Jake, this is Ed and Bec. Ed and Bec, this is Jake. He's a local werewolf."

At the mention of the word "werewolf," the two friends gave each other another look. I never liked that look... It made me think they were having a conversation in their heads, that no one else could hear...

Well, whatever they were "saying," they needed to look to Victor for some sort of confirmation. It took him a moment, but he responded to their expressions with a nod.

Then the two approached Jake with those Cheshire Cat grins that only meant trouble. "Well, hello there." Ed started for the two.

"My name's Bec, and this is Ed," Bec continued, "And... wait. What was the phrase Emma used?"

"I believe it was, 'some long Latin term.'"

"Ah, yes. We are some long Latin term," They grinned wider as Bec said, "But in short, we kick ass."

"O-okay?" Jacob was obviously taken aback by their introduction.

"Hold up." I interrupted. "How the hell did you guys know what I said?"

They gave me an incredulous look over their shoulders, "We told you, dude..." Ed started.

"We have our ways, dude."

I got that eerie feeling in the pit of my stomach, as I always do around Ed and Bec.

"Anyway," Ed smiled, turning on heel and glancing around the kitchen. "You dudes got a toaster around here?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Ok... well, just to get this over with, I would like to thank...
Synyster Gates
Dr. Jekyll
bang um.
and a HUGE thank to Adam's_CuteCucumber for her amazing comments and support. All of these guy's input has been AMAZINGLY motivating... (hinthint, chokechoke, coughchough, wink wink)
Another HUGE thanks to lonerofthepack for all her super crazy awesome ideas. In truth, pretty much half of this story is credited to her. Legit.

Well, that's just about it!


P.S. Aren't I doing a great job updating?!?!?! :D