The Peace Keeper

The Peace Keeper (Twilight) 6

“Emma-Kate, would you like to come sit with us today?” Edward invited coolly, “We’d love it if you could join us.”

Normally, I would say no; not really wanting to socialize with vampires. I’d rather not get mixed up I their business.

But these particular vampires are technically ‘under my care,’ even if they don’t know it yet.

“Sure,” I gulped, only somewhat intimidated by them. “Why not?”

We gathered our lunches and paid. The three lead me over to a far table. I noticed on our walk over, the shorter female vampire gave me the oddest stares.

So we sat. A moment of silence passes over us.

I try and think of something to say, but nothing came to mind. The rest of the table lied in anticipation, waiting for either themselves or someone else to act. Reaching for my Diet Coke, I once again raked my mind for something to bring up…everything seemed either too awkward or too forward. I personally didn’t know the vampires, therefore not knowing what would set them off. It’s best to try and avoid conflict.

Dealing with newly acquainted vampires is similar to dealing with a strange dog.

Luckily, just as I popped the top to my soda, the silence was broken.

“So, Emma-Kate,” The copper-haired boy calmly began. “You apparently know what we are, but I’m afraid we don’t know what you are.”

My eyes snapped up to meet his golden gaze, shocked. The other two girls mirrored my expression.

“How’d you know?” I questioned bravely, now confident I probably wouldn’t be harmed in such a public place. I’ve dealt with vampires before (if I hadn’t made that blindingly apparent yet), and even with my special skills, it’s near impossible for me to take one down, let alone two.

“I heard your thoughts.” Edward answered nonchalantly.

I nodded, knowing full well that most vampires develop an extra power or talent after being changed. Telepathy was admittedly an odd power, and a very strong one, too. I made a mental note to ask him all about that later, at a more appropriate time.

Shifting into an assertive yet relaxed position, I quizzed back, “What do you want to know?”

“How do you know what we are?” The other vampire, Alice, asked the obvious.

Shrugging a little, I explained. “I’m different than most people. I’m what they call a ‘peacekeeper.’”

“A peacekeeper?” Bella spoke-up.

I nodded, “A-K-A a shaman, medicine man, medium, E-T-C. and such.”

From across the table, Edward furrowed his brow, “I’m afraid I don’t follow…Please, explain.”

I rolled my eyes at his commanding tone while taking a quick swig of my Coke. “You know, the whole ’I see dead people’ thing?”

“So you can see ghost?” Bella asked in disbelief and shock.

“Among other things, yes.”

Bella was fascinated now, “What type of other things?”

I smiled at her enthusiasm. Being around vampires must have desensitized her of the paranormal. “I can recognize demons and the blessed--and obviously vampires-- sometimes the occasional pixie or sprite…Whatever you call them.”

“Those things are real?” Alice pondered, amazed. The other two seemed to be in similar spirits.

I barked a quiet laugh. “Hun, you’re a mother fucking vampire!” Another quick chuckle. “Are pixies real!” I quoted in ridicule.

The three recoiled at my slight outburst, but bounced back.

“Even vampires can be caught off guard.” Edward consoled my-- only faintly mocking-- thoughts.

“Ah, true,” I agreed. “But it’s never a good thing when they are.”

Cracking a small half-smile, the male vampire nodded in concurrence.

Just then the lunch bell rang.

Bella asked, “What class do you have next?”

Biting my lip, I recalled my timetable. “Biology…I’m pretty sure.”

“Oh, good!” She smiled as we got up and threw away our trash. “Edward and I have that class too.”

I put away my lunch tray. “Cool.”

Edward was fairly quiet on the way to class, whilst Bella and I continued on a conversation. We entered the science lab, I parted from the duo and proceeded with my first-day ritual of having Mr. Banner signing my attendance slip.

“Miss Dawson, you may take a seat by Mr. Newton. His former partner switched out last week.”

I turned and scanned the classroom.

Mike? Yeah, that was his first name. Jessica introduced us before lunch. He sat three lab tables back, he’d looked up after hearing his name, smiling at me. I returned the kind gesture and took my seat next to him.

“Hey,” Mike greeted. “How’s your first day been?”

“Eh, it’s alright.” I flipped through my books, looking for a blank sheet of paper to take notes on. “Not that much different from my old school.”

Mike leaned his elbow on the lab table in front of us, resting his head on a fist. “Where did you used to go to school?”

Tossing him a tiny grin, I said, “I was home schooled by my mom.”

“Really?” Mike stated, “Interesting.”

I giggled slightly, “Not especially.”

Mike also laughed. “So what other family do you have?”

Pausing, I forced a grin. “Well, there’s the rents…and my twin brother.”

“Oh, cool, you’re a twin.” Mike leaned up as Mr. Banner stood in front of the class. He continued in a whisper, “So do you guys have that twin telepathy or anything like that?”

Stifling a laugh, I diverged, “Not really…we do have those moments where we finish each other’s sentences, though. But everyone kinda does that.”

“I know what you mean,” He said, “My girlfriend and I do that a lot.”

“You have a girlfriend? Have I met her already?” I feigned copying the notes off the blackboard.

Mike nodded, smirking, “You might have. Does the name ‘Jessica’ ring a bell?”

“Jeez-us,” I drawled. “Boy you are some kind of wonderful to put up with her all the time.” I murmured out of the side of my mouth. “No offense or anything…but Jess seems sort of…exhausting.”

Mike nodded with a smile. “That’s true, but I love her nonetheless.”

I sighed, “That’s really sweet, you have no idea,” Rolling my eyes, I relented, “I usually get really tired of a boyfriend too soon for a real relationship.”

“That kind of sucks.” Mike glanced my way, then a little behind me. I followed his line of sight to see his optics paused on Edward and Bella, who were watching us out of the corners of their eyes. “But I’m sure you’ll find a soul mate someday.” He returned his vision to me.

“Thanks, I guess. “ Them I placed my attention on whatever it was Mr. Banner was saying.
♠ ♠ ♠
I swear, when writing that last part, I thought Emma was flirting with Mike... Anyway, the next chapter will be out soon.
