Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows


It was late at night, around 11:30 and just as he was coming in from a late night hockey game, she was getting tired and wanted to leave. She said to her boyfriend that she had to go to the bathroom and when she got back she wanted to leave. Her boyfriend said yes and as she was heading to the bathroom, she caught the hockey player's eye. He was mesmorised by her beauty and just gaped at her as she walked to the bathroom. He was even staring at the door, even after she had shut it.
Now, while she was in the bathroom, her boyfriend, who had already had one too many drinks, must have been having second thoughts about leaving because the next thing that he knew that was happening was that he was walking towards the girls' room and that he was standing outside the door waiting for her to come out.
The minute she walked out of the bathroom, she felt a full force come at her and something smash against her lips. Too say that she was scared was an understatement. She was trying to push her boyfriend off as she felt him start to pull off her shirt. He just wouldn't back off though. And the hockey player noticed this. He took three huge strides towards the couple and when he got there, he just simply pulled off the boy and punched him in the face while saying,
"You never, EVER try to push a girl into doing something that she doesn't want to do. Especially to have sex with you if she isn't ready for it." The hockey player punched the now ex-boyfriend one more time and then took the distraught, crying, and upset girl in his arms and brought outside to his car while telling her the whole way that it will be alright and that he will take her home.
"Are you sure that you will bring me straight home and not try to violate me like Chris did?" she asked meekly and quietly.
"Promise. I am Milan by the way, Milan Lucic." he told her gently.
"Jenna DeRosa, but you can just call me Jenny." she told him.
"Alrighty then, Jenny. Now, where does a fine pretty girl like you live?" Milan asked. She gave him a warning glare as she told him where her current address was, along with reminding him that he wasn't to violate her in any way.
"I remember, I remember, no violating you. Actually, I wouldn't do anything like that to a girl anyway. And especially not after what you just went through." he told her. She smiled at him and then for the rest of the ride to Jenny's house, they just talked about miscellaneous things.
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well, i know it has a slow start, but it will get better. and also, i am new to this so give me a break. any comments/reviews welcome...