Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 10

(Jenny's POV)

1 week later... (Timing is during the play-offs...Bruins/Lightning Finals)

It killed me to see the look on his face when I had told him "no". But, I just couldn't put myself through that emotional pain ever again.

"Jenny, it's time to go." Gabi said as she walked into my dorm room, dressed in nothing but a plain black dress and heels. I quickly put my own heels on and followed her out the door. Today was the day of my parents memorial service. I wasn't planning on doing a full-out funeral, so I just settled on this and prayed that people would actually show up.

"I don't know if I can do this Gabi." I cried as I looked at my parents lifeless bodies just lying there peacefully in their caskets. Gabi took my shoulders, looked me in the eye, and said,

"You can and you must." I just simply nodded and took my spot next to the caskets.

(Milan's POV)

The guys and I were just goofing around at my place before practice started when I received a phone call.


I quickly excused myself and answered my phone.

"Jenny, I am soo sorry about what had happened and please, please, PLEASE give me a second chance, I NEED you, and it is killing me-Milan, I'm not Jenny. It's me Gabi. I just stole her phone so I could call you." Gabi's voice interrupted me.

"What's up? Is Jenny okay?" I asked, fear engulfing me.

"Well, she's as good as she can get when her heart has been broken and she is at as memorial service for her parents." Was my answer.

"Oh God... that's today." I whispered, pissed at myself for not being there with her.

"Yeah it is. Actually, that's why I am calling. It would mean a lot to Jenny if ya came down here. She's in a fit and I don't know how much longer she can hold up. So, if you're not busy, could you maybe come down?" Gabi asked.

"Well," I said, scratching the back of my head. "I have practice, but this is more important. I'll just tell one of the guys to tell my coach that something important came up. What's the address of the funeral home?"

"Oh Milan, if you have practice don't come..."

"No, I want to go. I want to be there for her." I cut her off. She sighed, gave me the address and then we both hung up.

"Who was that Looch?" Horton asked me when I walked back to where the guys were.

"Hey guys, could one of you tell coach that something REALLY important came up and that I won't be able to make practice today?" I asked, avoiding Nate's question.

"What? Why?" all the guys chorused.

"I just have somewhere that I need to be, alright. Now, could one of you guys just tell him?" I pleaded to the shocked faces.

"Coach is gonna be mega pissed and you'll probably get benched, but yeah, I'll tell him. Only on one condition though; where are you going?" Bergy said, stepping forward. I looked at him simply and said,

"Dennis and Moore Funeral Home." And then without a word, I left.
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review please.... and if any of u have a player from the BRUINS that u want me to write about, let me know... cuz i need a new guy to write about... thanks!!!!
REVIEW!!!!! and check out my other story PLEASE!!!!!!