Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 11

(Jennys' POV)

So many people had showed up. The line, I am guessing, went all the way outside and down the street and it kept getting longer and longer by the minute. I kind of felt really bad because I wouldn't exactly look at people when they paid their respects to me.

"Where were you? You know that I can't do this on my own. I thought that you said you would only be a minute?" I exclaimed when Gabi FINALLY came back from wherever she went.

"Sorry, I had to go to the bathroom and make a quick phone call. I also, umm... ran into someone that we both know. Uh, come out here Looch." she stuttered as she waved her hand in gesture of someone.

"Looch? Gabi please tell me that Milan isn't-He-hey Jenny." a deep masculine voice interrupted me.

"Milan? What are you doing here?" I asked in a voice that was barely a whisper. He stepped closer to me, held up my chin, and said,

"Well, I just had to see you and I knew that you probably couldn't go throw this alone. I'm really sorry Jen." He sounded so sincere and honest that I just wanted to jump into his arms and hug him, but some little nagging voice in the back of my head told me not to.

"I'm not alone. I have Gabi with me." I say. Milan chuckles a little and says,

"C'mon Jenny, please forgive me. I don't think that I can live anymore without you Jenny. Please let me back in your life. I was wrong and stupid to not tell you about Brittany and don't think that you are my rebound. I love you and even if Brittany wasn't in my life, I would still love you and want to date you. And I can honestly say that I CAN picture the rest of my life with you. Not that I want to get married or anything... you're laughing. Is that a good thing?" I smile and nod.

"I, I don't think that I have heard anyone say anything so sweet and nice to me ever and I am laughing at myself for being such an idiot. I can't believe that I have ever considered to let you go. I love you too Milan. And, I don't think that I have ever stopped." And with that, I leaned up and pressed my lips firmly against his.

(Milan's POV)

When I felt her lips against mine as she kissed me, I felt as if I had won the jack pot. And I totally forgot that I was in a funeral home. What totally brought me back to earth was when everyone in the funeral line started clapping and cheering for us. Jenny slowly pulled away from me and gave me a small smile.

"Stay with me? Please?" she whispered.

"I'll stay with you forever. I love you Jenny. Be my girlfriend?" I whispered back as I pulled her into a tight hug. She just nods into my chest and it was in that moment that I knew that I had finally found the right girl and that she was the one that I had wanted to spend my life with.
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next chapter will be the the epilogue...and yeah... please review guys!!! and review honestly dont just say nice stuff if ya dont mean it...and yeah... PLEASE REVIEW!!!!!