Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 1

The next day...

"Still here are ya?" Jenny asked when she saw Milan watching TV in her living room/kitchen area.
"Well, had to make sure that you were alright after last night... duh... oh, and because I didn't wanna recieve crap from my room mate when I would be coming back in at like 1:30 in the morning." he told her.
"Hahaha... what college do you go to?" Jenny asked while sitting down in the recliner chair across from him, totally ignoring his first comment.
"I don't go to college. I am actually a hockey player." Milan told her.
"Oh? But wait, how do you play hockey and not go to college? Or are you still in high school?" Jenny asked, totally bewildered by the young man sitting across from her.
"NO!!! I am NOT in high school!!! I am twenty-two for pete's sake!!! How could I be in high school???" Milan shouted betweent gails of laughter.
"Well, I wasn't sure if you were held back or not." Jenny said meekly.
"Honey, I may be dumb, but I am not that dumb." Milan told her.
"Then, how do you play hockey? Is it like a town league or something?" Jenny asked.
"I guess you could say that, I play for a professional NHL team, the Boston Bruins." Milan told her. Jenny stared at him in shock.
"Oh, so I am in the presence of a professional athlete?" Jenny asked, now completely embarrassed that he had to see her the way she was last night.
"Yup, pretty much." Milan said, popping the 'p' in yup.
"Cool. Sorry I didn't recognise you earlier. I am not much of a sports person." Jenny told him.
"S'alright. I actually liked it, not being recognised. Made me fell like a normal person for once." Milan admitted to her. When she didn't say anything, he asked her,
"So, what do you do?"
"Well, I am a student at Berklee's and I am currently studying music." she told him.
"So, your a glee type of girl?" he asked.
"Ummm... no. I mostly just sing solo and play the guitar, piano, and drums." she told him.
"Cool, when I was younger, my mom made me learn how to play the piano. Haven't played in years though. Actually, you are the first person that i have ever told that to. Was embarrassed by it, ya know? A big tough hockey player playing the piano?" Milan rambled.
"Okay then, I feel honored, considering that we haven't even known each other for more than 24 hours yet." Jenny said.
"Yeah, but there is something about you that I really like. Hey, maybe someday I will play for you." Milan told her. After hearing that, Jenny turned a deep shade of red, thinking that she could already be falling for him.
"I'd like that. And maybe someday, I will sing for you." she said with a smile.
"Maybe? Why don't you sing for me now?" Milan asked.
"Because, I am a very shy person and I don't like singing in front of people that much." Jenny told him.
"Alright then, I will let it slide for now. But, I do expect to hear you sing sometime in my life. Just like I expect you to come to my hockey game tomorrow night." Milan told her.
"You want me to come to your game tomorrow night? I'm not sure, I mean, I don't know one thing about hockey." Jenny said uncertainly.
"Who cares if ya don't get it? All you need to know is that I am awesome and that the team that scores the most goals win." Milan told her.
"Okay, I'll come. Just don't expect me to look that excited if ya see me and beware of the that confused look on my face." Jenny told him.
"That's alright. Hey, I'll give you two tickets: one for you and one for a friend. And my recommendation is to find a friend who understands hockey." Milan told her. Jenny wanted so badly to tell him that she didn't have any friends, but she left the subject be.
"Cool. And here I was thinking that we would never see each other again." Jenny said. His face got a really soft look on it as he said,
"Jenny, did you really think that I could live my life without ever seeing you again? I know that it is too soon and I wanna start off as friends, but I think that I may be falling for you... hard."
"Really? Cuz I am having the same feelings for you, even after what happened last night." Jenny said shyly. Milan smiled and said,
"Thanks. And back to last night, was that guy just ome random jerk or your boyfriend?"
"M boyfriend. But, he was a jerk and I didn't really love him soo..." Jenny told him.
"Sorry." was all Milan could say. She just shrugged and said,
"Whatever, he is out of my life now thanks to you." She smiled at him and he smiled back.
"Well, I hate to leave, but I have to get home, freshen up, and make my ay to practice. Oh, and I gotta come up with a good excuse for not coming home and being in bed for curfew last night." Milan said getting up. Jenny did the same while saying,
"So soon? Well, I guess that I will see you tomorrow. Goodbye." Milan gave her a bone crushing hug and then left. The minute the door shut, Jenny said to herself,
"Now, I just have to find a friend to bring to the game tomorrow."
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