Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 2

Later that day...

Finding someone who likes the Bruins is harder than I thought. But, then again, not many people know me, seeing that I am sooo quiet. Finally, just when I'm about to give up, I overhear someone mention the Bruins. I look up (yes, I walk with my head down) and see this girl that I belive is in my voice class talking to this other guy. She was wearing a Bruins t-shirt, yes, I know the symbol, i looked Milan up online right after he left. I quickly walk over to the two.
"Hey, ummm... did I just hear you mention the Boton Bruins?" I asked. The two of them both look at me oddly. Finally, the girl said,
"Yeah. What's it to you though?"
"Well... um," I said looking her right in the eye, "I have an extra ticket to tonight's game and I was wondering if you would like to go with me." She stared me down for a second before saying,
"Aren't you the girl from my voice class? The one who is waaaay too quiet? Who would've thought that you like hockey. Anyway, yeah sure, I'll go with ya."
"Awesome, umm... what dorm are you in? Cuz I can pick you up around six if ya want. Or, you could meet me at the Garden, whichever you prefer." I told her meekly.
"Ummm... I'll meet yopu at your place around six, okay?" she asked. I just nodded, gave her my address, and then we parted ways.

Later that night...

Brrriiiiiiing!!!! The doorbell to my dorm room went. Gabi, the girl who I am bringing to the game, was here. I quickly got up off of my couch to answer the door.
"Hey." I said when I saw her. I felt odd in my black shirt and sweater, skinny jeans, and black boots that I wore compared to her ratty-looking jeans and Bruins jersey.
"Do I look too dressy for a hockey game? I've never been to one before so I wasn't sure on what to wear." I told her meekly, my cheeks probably turning a bright red color, a habit that tends to happen whenever I get embarressed-which is a lot by the way.
Gabi stared me down for a minute before saying,
"Ditch the sweater and I'll buy you a proper jersey at the game."
"No, no you don't have to buy me anything. I'll pay for my own stuff." I said sharply. I hated it when people thought of me as a charity case just because both of my parents are shipped overseas fighting in the war.
"No, I am buying you a shirt. Just think of it as a thank you gift for bringing me to the game. Say, why did you even get tickets of you don't even watch hockey?" Gabi asked.
"Umm... I have a friend who umm... who wanted me to go tonight. Personal reasons." I told her. She stared at me queerly before saying,
"Whatev, lets head out or we're gonna be late."

In the lockerroom (Milan's POV)

"Hey man, you alright? You've been very distant today." my best friend/teammate Nathan Horton asked me.
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine. Just tired, that's all." I told him a bit too quickly.
"Liar. Who is she?" another good friend of mine, David Krejci, asked.
"Why do you always assume that all my problems have to do with a girl?" I ask.
"Because, 99.99 percent of the time your problems are usually about a girl. Now, who is she?" he said.
"Her name's Jenny, we met last night at the bar aftyer I saved her from being raped by her douche bag boyfriend." I said.
"Playing hero there Looch? Never thought that I'd live to see that day when that happened!!!" Shawn Thorton shouted to me from across the room.
"Shut up. Anyway, I invited her to come to the game tonight and she said yes. Wonder if she's even here." I say to no one in particular.
"Hey guys, Looch-bitch here's got a cruch!!! Looch got a cruush, Looch got a cruuuush, Looch got a-" But, my fine friend David was cut off from his little chant by me hucking a roll of tape at him.
"What the fuck was that for man??? I didn't do nothing!!!" he shouted.
"Shut up." i just said. The whole lockerroom fell silent and we finished getting dressed and mentally prepared for tonight's game in silence.
Warm-ups were starting and as i skated around our end of the rink, I quickly searched the section that I gave Jenny tickets too. My heart shattered. She wasn't there. I went back to doing warm-ups my mind completely out of it.
Why didn't she come? Did something happen? Is she alright? Did I scare her off? These questions just kept going through my head as i recieved a pass from Bergy and shot it on Timmy. He saved it.
"Hey man, that your girl over there taking pictures of you and waving at you?" Krejci asked me while pointing over to the section that I had previously looked at. I looked up my heart soared as I saw Jenny wave timidly at me, as if she didn't want anyone to see.
"Yep, that's her." I told him as I gave a small wave back.
"Woah, she's hot. Think she'll go out with me if you too don't work out." he asked.
"Don't get your hopes up." I said as I skated towards the bench to exit off the ice.
We're gonna win tonight and I am gonna score for her... I thought as I left the ice, taking one glance back at Jenny, who was now talking to this red-haired girl.
♠ ♠ ♠
this chapter is just a crappy chapter that i just posted to post... sooo sorry... and if you have any ideas that you think would make it better, i would gladly appreciate it!!!! Thanks
all comments and reviews are excepted, even if they are mean, i like to hear critism...
thanks!!!! and Go Bruins!!!!