Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 3

(Jenny's POV)

"WOW!!! That was an INTENSE fight!!!" Gabi exclaimed after she and I watched my new friend beat the living crap out of a player on the other team.
"Yeah, it was. Are there always fights like that in hockey?" I asked, a bit intimidated by Milan. I mean, how can one guy go from being so nice and so sweet to this angry, furious, fighter?
"Most of the time, yeah. But, they are never fights like that. Only Looch, Thorton, and occasionally Chara and McQuaid have the capability of doing that much damage to a person. Why? Did the fight scare you?" Gabi asked with a huge smirk on her face.
"Psh, no... well, maybe, just a little. Why? Is it a bad thing?" I asked meekly.
"Well, since it was your home team who won that fight and you are wearing Looch's jersey, yeah, that is a bad thing. But, since this is your FIRST hockey game, I'll let it slide." Gabi said. I just smiled and said 'thanks'. Gabi and I have done some pretty good bonding and have become pretty good friends since like the moment we got here. I did finally allow her to get me a jersey of one the players-I got Milan's of course, and we sort of just went from there.
"Hey, I'm gonna go and get another beer. Ya want one?" Gabi asked me as the buzzer for the first period went off.
"Nah, I'm good. I don't drink, remember?" I told her. It was true, ever since my best friend diedof a drinking problem three years ago (she was an underaged drinker), I vowed that I would never ever touch a beer in my life or any other fom of acohol. Which sucked cuz I couldn't really go out clubbing with my boyfriend (ex boyfriend now) for my twenty-first birthday last month.
Just after Gabi got up to leave, my phone started to vibrate.

1 new message

It said. I pressed the open button and up popped a message from Milan himself.

So, am i awesum or am i awesum?

It said. I smiled and texted him back:

Ur a superstar ;)

M: why thank u. but seriously, what do u think so far???

Me: hockey is... interesting. kinda scares me with all that fighting

M: there was only 1 fight nd that was me!!!! thought id impress u with that

Me: u actually scared me

M: well sorry... so, whos the girl i saw u with?

Me: Gabi, shes a HUGE B's fan so i brought her with me... she just went to get a beer so now i am alone...

M: poor u, id rather that than listening 2 my idiot team-mates talk about sex, the game, sex, how awesum my fight was, nd did i say sex???

Me: pervs... dont wanna mee them now...

M: haha...

Me: yeah i dont think u will be laughing when i refuse to get out of the car the day u introduce me 2 them...

M: whatev... gotta go, coach wants to talk, see ya after the game

Me: bye

"So, who are yua texting?" Gabi asked, sitting back down next to me.
"Oh, just my friend, you know, the one who gav me the tickets. Wanted to see how I was liking the game." I told her.
"Oh... so, who DID give you the tickets?" Gabi asked while taking a sip of her beer.
"Just a... just a REALLY good friend of mine." I said, not really wanting to tell her about Milan.
"Ohhh... well, cool. Soooo... how do ya like the game so far?" she asked.
"It's really cool. I think I may actually like hockey, not like you, but I think I can now tolerate it." I said.
"Yaaayyy... mission accomplished!!! I finally got you to like hockey!!!" Gabi shouted with a laugh. I laughed too as I said,
"Finally??? You've only known me for like six hours..." Gabi just shrugged and went back to telling me about the stats of each of the players and about how madly in love she was with Patrice Bergeron.

(Milan's POV)

I smiled at myself as I re-read the text messages that Jenny had sent me.
"Looch, what's got ya smiling like a bloomin' idiot ov'r there???" Shawn Thorton asked me.
"None of your bees-wax!!!" I shouted back to him with a laugh.
"What grade are you in now Looch??? Second??? Come on man, you are starting to talk like a girl!!!" Thorton yelled back at me. I just laughed at him and said,
"Yes, I am in second grade, but what's it to you though??? Anyway, I bet you are sooo jealous of me cuz I got this insane hot girl texting me right now and you only get a text from a hot girl once a month and that's just to break up with ya!!!" He just chucked his glove at me, his face now red with fury.
"Watch it Looch. Ya don't want Shawny pissed at ya, bad things can happen. Anyway, tell us about this 'hot' girl of yours." Timmy said to me.
"Ummm... all I know about her is that her old boyfriend is a douche, she goes to that music school Berklee, and that she is insane shy and won't sing for me. Oh, and that this is her first hockey game ever and that she is now afraid of me because I beat the shit outta that Subban dick." I told them.
"Her FIRST HOCKEY GAME EVER?!?!?!" Krejci shouted at me.
"Yep. I get the feeling from her that she's not that into sports." I told them.
"Man Looch, I sure hope she's good in bed after all that shit you just told us about her. I mean, what right hockey player right in their mind would date a girl who DOESN'T like sports??? Jeez, you'd be better off with one of the puck sluts." Horts said to me. I just shrugged and said,
"Yeah, but there is something about her that is totally different from all the other girls. And I haven't even tried to get her into bed with me. Not after I just saved her from getting raped." I told them. Once again, they all gaped at me like I was an idiot, well, everone excpet Bergy who said to me,
"I think Looch here is doing the right thing and I hope everything turns out well for ya man." I smiled, said 'thanks', and finished getting ready for the next period.
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well??? how was that??? and thanks soo much for the NICE comments... made me feel loved... hehehehe... i would like MORE comments though cuz no comments mean NO UPDATE!!!!