Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 4

And, that's where me and Gabi were now.
"Jenny, for the millionth time, what are we doing down here? This place is only for players and their girlfriends and family and friends!!!" Gabi exclaimed, completely bewildered by the fact that we were standing in front of the Bruins locker-room.
"Gabi, for the millionth time, you'll see!!!" I yelled at her. She just rolled her eyes at me and went back to being silent, something that I learned is VERY hard for her. Thirteen minutes later was when it happened. Milan had come running out of the locker-room screaming my name,
"JENNY!!!!!!!!!!!" He enveloped me in like the BIGGEST hug that I have ever. He even picked me up and spun me around a few times. When he finally put me down, I took a quick glance at Gabi and lets just say that the look on her face was priceless!!!!
"You-you-you're Milan LUCIC!!!!" she managed to say.
"Yeah, that would be my name. And what's your name pretty lady???" Milan asked. I think that Gabi just died inside, even though she was a HUGE Bergeron fan.
"Ga-Ga-Gabi." she stuttered.
"You sure?" Milan asked. I just punched and told him to leave her alone while Gabi nodded yes.
"So, I see that you are a Bergeron fan, huh??? Cool. Anyway, Jenny, let me just go and get my stuff and then me and you are gonna head out for dinner or something." Milan said.
"But what about Gabi?" I asked.
"Oh, umm... just give her your keys and she can drive herself home. No wait, I have a better idea. I'll be right back." And then, he turned and ran back into his locker-room. Gabi turned to me and glared.
"YOU KNOW MILAN LUCIC AND YOU DIN"T TELL ME!?!?!?!?!?!" she shouted.
"Sorry, didn't think that it was that important. And I don't really know him, we just met last night after my boyfriend was being a jerk to me." I told her. Her face didn't soften and she held that long, hard glare at me until Milan came back out of the locker-room, this time accompanied by someone else.
"Oh my fucking God." Gabi said under her breath.
"Pat, this is my friend Jenny, the girl I was telling you about. And this little lady over here is the girl that needs someone to escort her home." Milan said.
"Hello, m'name's Patrice. And you are?" Patrice asked, taking Gabi's hand and kissing it. I could've sworn that I heard Gabi squeal just a little. As they started to talk, Milan gave me a little nudge symbolizing that he wanted to leave. I nodded, pressed my car keys into Gabi's hand, and followed him out of the rink.
"Are you sure Patrice won't mind taking Gabi home?" I asked Milan as I got into his insane awesome black Ranger Rover.
"Nah, cuz she's actually gonna end having to bring him home since I was his ride to the game." he said absent mindly.
"Oh my gosh, is Patrice okay with this? Cuz I can always drop Gabi off and just see you another time." I exclaimed, starting to feel a little bad for Patrice.
"Jenny, chill. Pat agreed to this. Now come on, lets just have a good time outtonight since I have to leave tomorrow night after our game." Milan said, using one hand to steer the car, using his other to take my hand and hold it. I blushed a little and said,
"Alright, sorry. So, where are we going?"
"Fire and Ice. Ever been there?" Milan asked.
"Nah, I don't really go out much. Only occasionally. Is it good?" I told him. He just shrugged and said,
"Dunno, never been. But, David Krejci told me that they place is worth checking out sooo... I'm gonna take his word for it. And if it sucks I am gonna beat the crap outta him." He gave a laugh at the end, and I quickly remember what he did to that Subban guy.
“Please don’t. If it sucks then we just know not to come here again, but don’t hurt the poor guy.” I pleaded with him.

(Milan’s POV)

Wow, that fight must’ve really freaked her out. I mean, here she is BEGGING me not to beat up Mr. I’m sooo Awesome cuz I am an Englishman Krejci.
“Alright, alright. Calm down, I won’t lay a finger on poor David pansy ass. Anyway…” I trailed off, not really knowing what to say.
“Anyway what?” Jenny asked.
“Tell me about yourself. Like your family and stuff.” I finished.
“Oh, my family. Umm… both my parents are fighting out in Iraq, my brother died last year of leukemia, and my grandmother lives in an old person’s home under intensive care by nurses because she has Alzheimer’s and forgets like everything ranging from my name to how to put butter on a slice of toast.” She told me. Woah, tough life. Now, I just expected her to tell me about this perfect family that all the girls that I have dated always seemed to have. But this, this is something different and for once in my life, I was speechless and had no clue what to say.
“Gosh, I’m so sorry.” I said, feeling like such a jack-ass. She just shrugs and says,
“It’s alright.” But there was something in her voice that made me know that it wasn’t.
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yaaaay... loving all the review guys, makes me feel loved!!!!! and whos with me that the Bruins have the Stanley Cup practically in the bag??? hahahahaha... more reviews please!!!! and they can be mean, i dont care!!!! thanks :)