Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 5

(Jenny's POV)

The restaraunt that Milan took me to was absolutely AMAZING!!!! Best food that I have ever had in my life!!!! Milan was very nice to me and I had such a great time. After dinner, Milan brought me home and I am now skyping my parents who were lucky enough to end up in a unit together.
"Mom, Dad, HEY!!!!" I said as I saw their faces appear on the screen of my Mac.
"Jenny, honey, oh we miss you soo much!!! How are you???" my mom exclaimed.
"I'm good Mommy. How's everyuthing out there???" I said.
"Everything's good sweetie. Now, have you grown a liking for hockey since we've been gone?" my dad asked with a smile.
"Maybe. Actually, I have a friend who gave me tickets to the Bruins game tonight. Said he wanted me to have the full experience and everything. And to be honest, I actually enjoyed myself. But, I didn't like the fighting." I told them.
"A 'he' gave you the tickets? Who? What's is name? Tell me everything!!!" my mom asked as my dad just shook his head with a laugh.
"His name is Milan and he's from Canada. He actually plays hockey." I said, starting to feel bad that I never once told them about my ex-boyfriend.
"Milan as in Milan Lucic of the Boston Bruins???" my dad asked. Figures my dad would know Milan, he is the hockey buff in the family.
"Yep Daddy. We met last night and he said that he wanted me to come and see him play sometime. And so... he gave me tickets to today's game." I told him.
"Wow, my daughter is friends with a Bruins player... who would've ever thought that? Well, sweetie, we'd like to stay and talk but we have to go. Others guys wanna talk to their families. I love you." my dad said. I said 'I Love You' back and my mom said it to me and then we all logged off. Little did I know that that would be the last time that I would ever talk to them, for they would die the next day.

(Milan's POV)

"Why are you so happy???" my room-mate David Krejci asked me as I waltzed into our apartment.
"I think I am in love with a girl that I have only known for forty-eight hours." I told him.
"Dude, that's scary. Anway, how was Fire and Ice???" David asked.
"To be honest it was actually pretty good. And I know that Jenny really enjoyed it. Sooo, ya did good this time man." I said, punching him on the arm.
"Dude, I am English, I ALWAYS do good." Krejci said.
"Whatever. Hey, I'm gonna go to bed. I am tired." And with that, I retired to my room not knowing that tomorrow my life was take a turn for the worst and my relationship with Jenny and my contract with this team was really going to be tested.
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Yeah, i know, this probably sucked... but, i will NOT update again until i get at LEAST five reviews/comments!!!!! thanks for all the nice ones that i have recieved already!!!!