Status: completed

When One Thing Goes Wrong, a Good Thing Always Follows

Chapter 7

"Hi, I'm looking for a Miss Jenna DeRosa." I panted to the lady at the front desk after I sprinted into the hospital. Her name tag read, 'Rebecca Joseph'.

"Yes, she was just brought in. Well, you won't be able to see her now, but after they are done with her and everything, there is a possibility that you may be able to." Rebeccea told me.

"Can you give me just an estimate of how long I will be waiting?" I asked.

"Can't really say, a hour... maybe two. Who knows. But, it will be awhile, she looked pretty banged up." was my answer. I nodded numbly, told her thanks, and then walked to one of the waiting chairs that were in the room.

After about thirty minutes of waiting, my cell phone started to play the song, "The Show Goes On" by Lupe Fiasco.

"Hello." I answered dully.

"Dude, where the fuck are you!?!" Nathan Horton shouted at me.

"The hospital." I told him with no feeling what so ever.

"Why the FUCK are you there?" he shouted back.

"I am here because the love of my life is in the fucking hospital... alright? Now, can you stop yelling? You are giving me a headache." I informed him.

"Brittany? She's in the hospital? What the fuck happened?" Oh... shit... Brittany Carnegie... my girlfriend of the past two and a half years. During all that time that I was spending with Jenny, I totally forgot about her.

"No... not Brittany." I told him carefully, afraid of his reaction.

"Then who?" He asked from what sounds like clenched teeth.

"My friend, Jenny. I love her man. But, now I just don't know what to do about Brittany. I mean, she's great and all, but she's a fame-whore and a puck slut. And, I'm starting to get the sense that she is only in it for the money." I said, the truth of what I was saying hitting me as I said it.

"Huh... your on your own with this one mate. Cuz, I suck at giving advise, let alone advise on relationships." was what Horts said to me.

"Gee, thanks. What a great friend you are. Anyway, I gotta go. See ya later." I said, hanging up on my friend. Truth was, I didn't need to go anywhere, I just didn't want to talk to him anymore.

3 1/2 hours later...

"Excuse me sir. You may now go and visit Ms. DeRosa." Rebecca said, tapping me lighting on the shoulder. I nodded, thanked her yet again and got up to and see Jenny. But, just as I reached her room, my cell rang yet again. This time, it was Brittany...
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yeah, this probably sucked... sorry. I'm sorta going through a writers block now and yeah....

COMMENTS PLEASE!!!!!!! And i dont care if they are nasty and mean... i take all critism....

Check out my story: The Sister of Who?
