My Evil Puppy Kicker

Part 1

Name: Keket Mouto
Age: 17 (Marik and Yugi are going to be 18)
Family: Solomon Mouto(Grandpa) and Yugi Mouto(Big Brother)
History: Keket is Yugi's younger sister. She doesn't really play card games all that often but she's actually pretty good at it. Her favorite card is the Dark Magician Girl. Keket is already familiar with the Spirit that lives inside of Yugi's Puzzle. She also knows that she is the reincarnation of said spirit's sister who also happened to be called Keket.

Name: Marik Ishtar
Age: 18
Family: Ishizu Ishtar (Older Sister) & Odion (Adoptive Brother)
History: Marik was born as the only son to his mother and father and so he was chosen to continue the family responsibility of protecting the Pharaoh's tomb.
After being forced to receive the responsibility, Marik became possessed by a spirit that resided in the Millennium Rod. The spirit made him murder his [worthless] father. The spirit then convinced Marik that it was the Pharaoh's fault that his father was dead. He is now on a mission to destroy the Pharaoh and take his puzzle. But the Pharaoh is not the only thing Marik finds in Domino City.

It was rush hour and everyone was hurrying towards their destinations. To move against the tide of people would have been impossible. Every passing face was a blur. All except for one. Although everyone around him was a constant stream of motion, he was completely still.

His tan skin was made darker under the rays of the Japanese sun while his sandy blonde hair became brighter. His cold lavender eyes were completely emotionless. He was beautiful in an exotic way. He stood tall and proud. The kind of stance you would see in royalty.

Our eyes locked. My heart skipped a beat, then began again in overdrive. My breath caught. Even though it was only for a second, it felt like an eternity. I was frozen where I sat; nothing could make me move.

His eyes left mine and I could breathe again. They searched my face for a few seconds, then he gave a slight, almost imperceptible, smirk. Slowly, as if in a trance, I looked away hearing Joey's incessant complaining.

"Can you believe that Kaiba!? Joey shouted angrily. I looked out the window again, searching for the mysterious man, only to find him gone. "Hey! Are you listening to me, Ket? Joey asked raising his voice.

"Mhmm." I mumbled turning to look at my blonde-headed friend. "You do realize that it is his tournament, right?" I asked him raising my eyebrows.

"She does have a point, Joey." My brother, Yugi, said backing me up. Joey reached over, grumbling, and snatched his soda off the table. We were sitting at our favorite cafe just a few blocks away from Grandpa's game shop.

"I still say it's crap." Joey replied sullenly.

"I know man." Tristan told Joey while patting him on the back.

I looked down at my new duel disk and my one locater card. I hadn't even wanted to participate in Kaiba's stupid tournament but everyone had talked me into it.

"Here you go, Joey." I said, handing him my stuff. "You can use mine."

Joey looked at me in shock. "But, what about you, Ket?" He asked. "Don't you want to duel?"

I smiled and shook my head at him. "It’s fine, Joey."

Joey gave me his biggest and dorkiest smile before bestowing on me a suffocating hug. "Thanks, Ket! You’re the best!" He screamed in my ear.

I pried Joey off of me with the help of Yugi and Tristan, then gave a little laugh. "It's not that big a deal." I said, still smiling.

Joey laughed then said, "Let's see Kaiba try to keep me out now!"

The rest of the time was spent laughing at Joey and his antics. After we left the cafe we all went our separate ways. Tea went home to watch some show, Joey and Tristan went to Joey's house, and Yugi and I went home to Grandpa's shop.

The walk home was quiet but I couldn't shake this feeling that someone was watching us. I looked around trying to find the cause of my discomfort but couldn't see anything out of the ordinary. I sighed and continued walking. The feeling stayed with me until Yugi and I made it to the door of grandpa's shop.
Feeling better, I opened the door and walked into the tiny but familiar shop.

"We're home, Grandpa!" Yugi and I shouted at the same time.

Grandpa emerged from the back room with a smile on his face. "Hello, Kids." He said. "How was your time at the cafe?"

Yugi and I shot a smile at each other before Yugi said, "It was fun, Gramps. We had a really good time."

Grandpa laughed and said, "Well, that’s good. I'm glad nothing bad happened."

I looked over at Gramps confused. "What do you mean, Gramps? Has something happened?"

He sighed and said, “There was a story on the card game channel that was talking about this mysterious group of thieves called the Rare Hunters. They've already put at least five people in the hospital. I was worried that they might attack you two."

"Rare Hunters, huh?" Yugi asked quietly to himself. He looked over at me worriedly. I got the message.

"Don't worry, Yug." I said. "I'm sure everything will be fine."

He smiled. "I know, Ket. But I still want you to stay with Joey, Tristan or myself at all times."
I nodded to show that I understood.

"Well," Yug continued. "I better go tell the others about this." With that said, Yugi went upstairs to call the others.

I gave Gramps a hug and told him goodnight. Slowly I made my way upstairs to my room. I passed Grandpa's room on the right then the bathroom on the left. Finally I got to my room which was on the left side, right across the hall from Yugi's room. I stood there a minuet and listened to Yugi telling Tea about the Rare Hunters.

I smiled. It was so obvious that those two liked each other. I opened my door and set my book bag down beside my desk. I closed my door silently and went over to my dresser to grab some pajamas. After I got changed, I pulled the covers back from my head board, lay down and closed my eyes. It wasn't long before I drifted off to sleep.