My Evil Puppy Kicker

Part 2

The Desert sand beyond the garden glowed beautifully beneath the mysterious Egyptian moon. The creamy silk of my dress brushed gently against the back of my legs, blowing in the wind. I could feel my crown on my forehead, the small crescent moon swinging back and forth.

There was a moment of silence before a hand covered my mouth. I tried to scream and jerk away, but the grip around me was strong.

"Don't worry, Princess." A deep, silky voice said from behind me. "I'm not going to hurt you just yet." He laughed. It was the most beautiful sound I'd ever heard.

I was gradually beginning to relax when he spun me around quickly and pulled me into his chest. Frightened, I grabbed the front of his shirt to steady myself. He laughed again, pulling me closer. I tried to look up at his face but he put his chin on my head, holding it down.

"Sorry, Princess. Can't let you see me just yet. Otherwise, I'd have to change my plans." His mouth was close enough that I could feel his warm breath on my ear.

"Who are you?" I asked my voice barely above a whisper. "Why are you here?"

The man chuckled as my heart fluttered in my chest. "My name is of no importance to you yet. But, as to your second question, I'm here because I wanted to see you, Princess." I suppressed a gasp. "I'm also here to ask you to relay a message to your brother, the Pharaoh." He paused. "Tell your brother that I am coming for his Millennium Puzzle and that I will get it through any means necessary." He kissed my forehead lightly. "Goodnight, Princess. Sleep tight."

My eyes closed against my will and the last thing I heard was his beautiful laugh before my world went black.

I woke up with the dream fresh on my mind, as my alarm clock beeped noisily beside me. I got up, grabbed my clothes, and headed for the bathroom. Once in there, I quickly got into the normal morning routine: shower, hair, then teeth, finishing the whole process in only thirty minutes.

When I emerged from the steaming room, I was wearing a pair of black, skinny jeans with a black studded belt and a neon green shirt with matching converse. I had finished the outfit off by putting a neon green head band in my hair.

I quickly entered my room and snatched my iPod, sketchbook, and a pencil, off my desk and threw them in a bag. Never had I gone anywhere without them. I gave a satisfied sigh and headed to Yugi's room.

I knocked quietly and entered. Yugi was standing at his dresser, getting his deck together. I could tell he was worried about what Ishizu had told him about the Pharaoh's past and our future. I walked over to him and put my hand on his shoulder.

"Don't worry, Yug." I said quietly. "You'll win this thing. I have absolutely no doubt in the world about it."

He looked up at me and gave a small smile. "Thanks, Ket. I'm glad you believe in me."

I laughed. "We all believe in you, Yug," I told him. "No matter how difficult things get, we know you'll pull through for us."

Tears welled up in his eyes. "Thank you."

"I'm only telling you the truth, Yug," I said, walking towards the door. I turned around before walking out and whispered. "Good luck, Yugi!"

I headed down the hall and descended the stairs that led to Grandpa's shop. I walked past the rows of Duel Monsters cards and stopped by the door to grab my Black Veil Brides jacket. After slipping it on, I stepped outside.

My eyes took a chance to adjust to the bright, afternoon sun while I zipped my jacket up. When I could finally see again, I looked up to find Tea walking towards me.

"Hi, Tea," I said, smiling at her.

"Hey, Ket," Tea replied, "have you heard about Joey?" She asked.

"NO! Is everything okay?" I questioned her.

"Yeah, Joey's fine, but he was attacked by rare hunters last night on his way to see Serenity," she told me as we started walking down the crowded streets.

"Oh, God, Is he okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yeah, the only thing hurt, is his pride." She laughed. "They took his Red Eyes."

I thought about it for a while. Poor Joey. That was his favorite card. I don't know how I'd feel if someone took my Dark Magician Girl.

"Are you alright, Ket?" Tea asked me, worried.

"Yeah, sorry, just thinking," I assured her. Then I remembered my dream. "Hey, Tea" I said, "can I tell you something?"

She looked at me. "You can tell me anything, Ket. That's what friends are for," she said smiling at me.

The next ten minutes were spent telling Tea about my crazy dream. It felt good to get it off my chest. Now I wasn't alone. I looked at Tea and asked, "What should I do? Do you think it means anything?"

Tea thought for a minute before saying, "I think you should tell Yugi about it."

I smiled and said, "Thanks for listening to me, Tea. I really appreciate it."

Tea opened her mouth to say something, but, before she could, we were separated by a stampede of people. I followed the stream of pedestrians trying to find Tea.

I searched for minutes before finally finding her. Just as I was about to reach her, I was thrust out of the tide of people, and into the arms of a stranger.

I looked up startled and slightly embarrassed, only to catch sight of a vaguely familiar face. It was the man from outside the cafe.

"I'm sorry." I said, blushing a light crimson.

His beautiful, lavender eyes looked down at me as he smiled. "Hello, Princess. It's nice to see you again."

I gasped and looked up at him.

He laughed. The same beautiful laugh from my dream.

"Who are you?" I asked, wide-eyed.

He just laughed again. "Soon, Princess. You'll find out soon." There was an excruciating pain on the back of my head, and then the world gradually faded to black as I fell into this beautiful stranger's arms.