My Evil Puppy Kicker

Part 3

Tea's P.O.V

I struggled, trying to move against the tide of people. For every step forward I took, I was pushed back two. This was crazy! How were Ket and I supposed to get out of this? Wait. Ket? Oh, my God! Where's Ket?

I turned around in circles, searching for her frantically. Where was she? She couldn't have gotten that far. Could she? I pushed through the people, walking to where I had seen her last. If I didn't find her soon, I'd have to find Yugi and tell him I'd lost her. Ugh! I feel so useless.

I was about to give up when I suddenly spotted her. She was standing by an alleyway talking to a person in a purple cloak. I could barely see the outline of a man underneath.

I didn't want to lose Ket again, so I kept my eyes on her as I made my way to her. I was about 10 feet away from Ket and the stranger when he raised his hand and knocked her unconscious. I cried out as he picked her up, bridal style, and carried her into the ally.

I quickly made it to the place where Ket and the stranger had been standing only a moment before. I looked into the dead-end alleyway and was surprised to find nothing there. I stood there for a few moments in shock before deciding to go find Yugi.

I had searched the whole city for nearly two hours. I couldn't find any sign of Yugi or Ket. I sighed. Maybe if I sit down for a bit they'd find me. I sighed again. I hoped so.

I found the nearest bench and sat down. Before I could even think about getting comfortable, someone's hands covered my eyes. I screamed and tossed my head back to hit whoever was behind me. As soon as the hands left my face, I jumped up and turned around. I put my hands up defensively, prepared to fight, only to put them down again when I saw Grandpa Motou.

After apologizing profusely, I told him about what I had witnessed just two hours earlier.

"Ket was kidnapped!?" Gramps shouted.

"Yeah," I told him. "And I think it was by the rare hunters too."

"Why do you think that?" He asked.

"Well..." I hesitated. "The man was wearing a purple cloak. Just like the rare hunter who stole Joey's Red Eyes."

"Then let's go find her. There are hunters everywhere. It can't be that hard to find one." Gramps reasoned.

I opened my mouth to agree, when my phone began to ring. I looked at the caller ID and saw Serenity, Joey's younger sister. I pressed answer and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Tea?" I heard Serenity's voice say. "Is that you?"

"Yeah," I told her. "Did you need something?"

"I wanted to ask you if you could tell my brother something for me," she replied.

"Of course," I told her. "What did you want to tell him?"

"I just wanted him to know that, no matter what I'm always there for him. Will you tell him that for me?" Serenity asked.

"Yes, but, I don't know where he is," I informed her.

"Hold on," she said. I could hear her talking to Tristan in the background.

After finding out where Joey was, Gramps and I headed out to tell him about Serenity and Ket. It was kind of hard to miss the huge crowd that surrounded Joey and his opponent. I plunged into the group of onlookers and slowly made my way to the front. Once there, I called out to Joey.

As soon as I said his name his head snapped in my direction.

"Tea?" He asked in wonder. "What are you doing here?"

I decided to wait on telling him about Ket. Otherwise, he'd probably quit the duel right now and give up his locater card and Time Warp to help find her. "Serenity wanted you to know that she's watching you right now and she believes in you, Joey," I told him.

Joey's eyes burned with a new fire; his hope restored. "Thanks, Tea." Joey told me.

"You’re welcome," I said. "Now kick some psychic butt!"

"Man, Tea. If you guys hadn't come when you did, I probably would have lost." Joey said after the match was over while rubbing the back of his neck.

I gave a weak smile and looked down at my shoes.

"What's wrong, Tea?" Joey asked concerned.

"It's Ket." Gramps told him. "She was kidnapped by the rare hunters."

Joey's face went blank for a moment before he shouted, "That Marik's gonna pay for this!"

I looked up at Joey. "You know who's controlling the rare hunters?" I asked.

"Yeah," He said, "we found out after Yug beat the rare hunter who stole my Red Eyes." he paused. "Have you told Yug yet?" He asked.

I sighed. "No, I haven't been able to find him."

"Well, if I see him I'll tell him. I'll also be on the lookout for any rare hunters," Joey told us.

"Good luck, Joey," I said.

"Good luck to you, too," he said before walking away.

Yugi's P.O.V

(I'm just going to skip to after he beats Arcana and he's talking to Marik who is controlling Arcana.)

"Why are you doing this Marik?" I directed towards Arcana, who was being controlled by Marik.

"I'm doing this because I want power and revenge." Marik/Arcana told me.

"I will stop you Marik. I won't let you get ahold of my Puzzle."

He laughed. "For your sisters sake I hope so." He said.

"What do you mean Marik?" I asked him angrily. How dare he bring my sister into this?

"Oh! So you don't know?" He asked feigning surprise. His voice instantly became more serious. "I have taken the liberty of relieving you of the duty of keeping your sister safe. She will remain here, unharmed, until either you or I win."

I glared at him in anger. "Give her back, Marik!" I yelled.

He just laughed. "You should really watch your temper, Pharaoh. You wouldn't want anything to happen to your sister, would you? Plus, I give you my word that she will not be harmed." With that, Marik gave up his control on Arcana.

I balled my hands into fists and punched the nearest wall. How could I let him take Keket? This was all my fault. If only i had gone with her this morning. She would have still been here. Listen to me. I sound like she died or something. Marik said that he wouldn't hurt her. I just hoped that he kept his word.