Status: Comments make me update more!!!



Zacky felt pain in his left side and groaned. He tried to move and found that he was hooked up to something. His eyes opened making the nurse in the room smile.

“He’s awake.” She called out into the hallway.

A doctor rushed in with Amanda on his heels. She raced to his side and hugged him, causing him to wince out of pain.

“I’m so sorry.” She apologized.

“What happened?” He asked, ignoring the pain.

“What’s the last thing you remember?” The doctor questioned.

“I was driving to take Johnny and Kandi out for ice cream……” he trailed off then remembered the headlights.

“Where’s Kandi? Where’s Johnny? Are they okay? Please tell me their okay.” Zacky shot up.

Amanda lightly pushed him back down, “Johnny’s fine.”

“What about Kandi?” He coughed.

She hesitated, “She’s okay.”

“Your lying.” He pointed out.

The doctor flipped through a couple of papers on his clipboard, “Kandi Sullivan?”

“Yeah.” Zacky nodded.

“She’s asleep right now.” He stated making Zacky groan.

“She’s fine. Kandi was just a bit shaken up.” Amanda pushed some of his hair out of his face.

Zacky let out a deep breath, “Jimmy’s gonna kill me.”

Amanda laughed softly then kissed him, “Matt and Michelle are here to see you.”

“Send them in.” Zacky sat up a bit.

The doctor told Zacky not to strain himself then left the room. Amanda left for a minute then returned with Matt and Michelle. Michelle’s eyes were a bit red and puffy. Matt looked like he had been crying but his eyes weren’t red.

“Hey Zack.” Matt smiled weakly.

“How’s Kandi?” He asked.

Matt sighed, “She’s got a broken wrist, and a couple of scratches and bruises, but that’s about it. She’s watching cartoons right now.”

“But Amanda just said…” Zacky trailed off when he realized that Amanda just didn’t want him to worry.

Michelle rubbed at her eyes then left the room. Zacky felt horrible that he had caused this. All he could think of was what would have happened if Kandi would have been hurt even worse or had died. He would have never been able to forgive himself for it.

“Zack, she’s fine. Just quit worrying, your gonna make yourself sick.” Amanda kissed him and smiled softly.

Zacky laid back and tried to relax just like Matt, Michelle, and Amanda did but deep down inside they knew it wasn’t going to happen. If Jimmy was mad about being in county he would explode when he found out what had just happened.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry this is so short. i was at the fair with a bunch of my friends and we were having a blast! :D

I promise the next one will be longer!!

Thank you for reading, commenting, and subscribing!!!!!!!!!!!