Status: Comments make me update more!!!



A few hours later Kandi came out of the school with a huge smile on her face and a big black sweatshirt in her hands. She raced right into Brian’s arms and showed him and the rest of the guys that stood behind him, the sweatshirt that she had made. On the front it said “Best Dad Ever” in big hot pink letters, and on the back it said “Kandi’s Dad” in baby blue letters and had her handprints in the same hot pink color that was on the front underneath the letters.

“Wow that’s fantastic!” Brian grinned and carried her over to the car to buckle her into the car seat, letting the guys praise her over the sweatshirt.

“Can I give this to daddy?” She asked.

Matt shrugged, “Maybe if we see him.”

He didn’t want to let her know that they were going to see him, he and the rest of the guys wanted it to be a surprise. Kandi sighed but nodded and sat back into her seat with a frown on her face. Zacky pouted when he saw the sad look on her face and quickly began to crack jokes and tickle her until there was a smile that seemed almost permanently etched onto her face.


Matt pulled into the parking lot of the rehabilitation center. Zacky unbuckled Kandi and carried her out of the car making sure that she brought the sweatshirt with. Zacky passed Kandi over to Brian who was more than happy to take her from him. Matt and Johnny talked in hushed tones on the way inside of the building.

“We’re here to visit James Sullivan.” Brian informed the nurse at the front desk who was lazily chewing on her gum.

“Are you friends of his?” She asked not looking up from her poorly manicured fingernails.

“Yes we have a scheduled meeting with him today.” He informed her.

She rolled her eyes and pushed a few buttons on the computer, “Who’s the girl?”

“His daughter.” Brian snapped becoming irritated with the young woman.

She pointed towards the door to the left, “Through there, take a left then a right and go through the beige door. He’ll be there soon.”

Kandi rested her head on Brian’s shoulder and wrapped her fingers around his necklace, twirling the dog tags around her fingers as the group walked towards the beige door. The room was cream colored, it contained maroon chairs and an oak coffee table right in the middle of it. Matt was the first to take a seat then Zacky, Brian, and Johnny. Kandi sat on the floor, leaning back against Zacky’s leg untying his shoelaces.

“If he doesn’t show up soon, I’m going to take a nap.” Johnny complained after a few minutes.

Before anyone could reply the door opened and Jimmy walked in looking more pale than usually and he seemed a bit pissed off. Jimmy didn’t say anything he just plopped down in a chair across from everyone and sent glares to all of the guys.

His glared lasted until Kandi looked up and saw him, “Daddy!”

She jumped up and crawled over the coffee table to get to him. He smiled and lifted her up into his arms.

“Hey baby, how are you?” He asked giving her a warm hug and acting as if he had never ignored or been a jerk to her.

Kandi smiled, “I get to go to school now and look what I made you.”

Zacky tossed her the sweatshirt and she held it up for him to see, “Look aint it purrdy?”

Jimmy smiled and set Kandi down before holding it up for himself to examine. He pulled it over his head to try it on, noticing that the arms were just right but it was just a little baggy, otherwise it fit him perfectly.

“I’ll always wear it.” He promised.

“Pinky promise?” Kandi asked holding out her pinky.

Jimmy wrapped his pinky with hers and grinned, “Pinky promise.”

The guy just let Kandi and Jimmy have their time together, not saying a word since they knew nothing good could come of it right now. Kandi didn’t quite understand why the adults were fighting but she pushed that confused thoughts aside and focused on her dad until they had to leave. Kandi hugged Jimmy as tight as she could, wishing he could come back with them but she knew he couldn’t. Matt carried Kandi off to the car with Johnny and Zacky right on their heels.

As Brian went to walk out of the door Jimmy grabbed him by the front of his shirt and growled, “You fucking asshole. How dare you take my daughter to her first day of school. That’s my fucking job, I’m her father. She’s my responsibility.”

“Well why don’t you start acting like it because from what I can see your just a drug addict who can’t even see that his own daughter is starting to look up at me as a father figure instead of you.” Brian let the harsh words pour out of his mouth.

Jimmy’s mouth went dry and he stood there stunned that his best friend since they were in high school had said that to him. Brian stalked off out of the building and into the car ignoring all of the anger coursing through his veins. He was never one to give up a challenge and now it seemed as if the games had just begun on who was going to be the better father. Jimmy vs. Brian.
♠ ♠ ♠
Please go read my new story, Sink Or Swim.

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