Status: New. Going with the flow. Possible active? Sorta kinda... : /

Every Runaway Needs a Destination

Leah loves her mother dearly, but realizes she cant live with her when her only worries are about her alchohol.

Scrounging up as much money as she can with her low paying job, she soon decides that living in a motel cant last forever. After a long search, she stumbles across an ad from a group of people looking for a roomate for their apartment.

There was no way she could have know that this ad was the best thing to ever happen to her.

  1. Chapter One: Runaway
    Leah runs away from her alcoholic mother and finds a temporary place to sleep.
  2. Chapter Two: We Meet Again
    Leah looks into places to stay and meets old friends along the way, as well as more recent ones.