Status: Incomplete sorry

Soul Beasts


“Why do we have to be the ones to be up here checking out this meteor?” an astronaut complained, floating towards the massive rock. Another astronaut floated up beside him. “Because it’s not acting like a normal meteor,” he said to the first astronaut. ‘What do you mean?” the first astronaut asked. “A regular meteor is supposed to hurtle through space, not stay put in one place,” the second astronaut said. “It’s also been reported that it’s been orbiting Earth as if observing it.” The second astronaut looked at the meteor and shook his head. “That’s impossible,” he said. “We’re not paid to say what’s impossible and what’s possible, Jim,” the other astronaut said. “Right now we’re getting paid to land on that meteor and check it out.” “Yeah, yeah, I know,” Jim said. They floated towards the meteor. “But I can’t help, but get this really strange feeling that it’s purpose is a lot more than is clear to us,” he said.
They landed on the meteor and began to look around. “Hey Allen,” Jim said. “What?” Allen asked. “What exactly are we looking for?” Jim asked. Allen sighed. “Do you forget everything that everyone tells you?” he asked Jim. “Not everything,” Jim said. “I remember what the television set says and the announcer at basketball games say.” Allen laughed. “We’re here to check it out and see if it’s a regular meteor.” Jim nodded and moved on a ways down the meteor. For a couple minutes they searched in silence. “You know something, Jim?” “What?” Jim asked. “Other astronauts have always commented on how beautiful the earth looked from space, but up until now, I’ve never really believed it,” Allen said. “Dude, don’t go gay on me,” Jim said. “I’m not gay,” Allen said, punching Jim in the shoulder. “You say I forget and you can’t remember that your punches don’t hurt while we’re in space,” Jim said. “Just get back to searching,” Allen said.
They searched for anything out of the ordinary for what seemed like hours. “Dude, I can’t find anything,” Jim said. Allen stood up and looked off into the distance. “Well then, we should probably radio in and tell them that we couldn’t find any…” he trailed off. “Hey Allen, what’s wrong?” Jim asked and came over to stand by him. He waved a fist in front of him and got no response. “Dude, if I could take this suit off, I would so fart in your face,” Jim said, laughing. Allen turned and looked at him sharply. “And I would so kill you ten times over for it too,” he said. He pointed further into space and Jim turned to look. His eyes widened and any comments that he had disappeared. Four meteors had gathered around planet earth and were floating there not doing anything. “Dude, I’m pretty sure that this is worth reporting,” Jim said. Allen pressed the button on his helmet and received nothing but static. Then a piece of the meteor broke off and revealed countless circles and yellow cores in the meteors.
“How many of these things are there?” Allen asked. Jim shrugged. “I don’t know, but I do know that we need to get off this meteor.” “They look so much like some kind of creatures,” Allen said bending closer. “We’re leaving Allen,” Jim said and grabbed his space suit. They jumped off the meteor and almost as soon as they did, the meteor and the other ones around it began to fall towards Earth. As Jim and Allen looked on, the glowing circles broke off from the meteors and fell separately from them. “This is bad,” Jim said. “Tell me about it,” Allen said. They stared as the glowing orbs sped towards Earth.
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