Status: Incomplete sorry

Soul Beasts

A Harmless Joke?

“BRIIIIIING!!!” the alarm rang. Ty struck out at the alarm and missed. He tried again and missed again. Finally, he opened his eyes and slammed his hand down on the alarm. It was silent and Ty sighed. “Finally,” he said and closed his eyes to sleep some more. “Wake up Ty,” a voice outside his door said. “You’ll be late for school.” Ty groaned. “Five more minutes please,” he begged. “School won’t wait five minutes for a single boy,” the voice. Ty groaned again and slowly sat up in his bed. “I’m up,” he said yawning a little. “Be ready in five,” the voice said. “Alright,” Ty responded getting out of bed and grabbing his school uniform from the chair that was by the bed. He went into the bathroom and began to get ready. He hair, strangely, was naturally blue and spiky, so he left it the way it was. He checked his light blue eyes and brushed his teeth and pulled on his shirt and pants. He went back into the room and began to put his shoes on. He finished and as soon as he did, the door to his room opened and the woman who owned the orphanage came in. “Ready Ty?” she asked. Ty nodded and followed her out of the room.
The orphanage owner walked him to the bus stop. “You know Ty,” she said, fixing his collar. “You need to try and stop picking fights with the school bullies.” Ty sighed. “I don’t pick fights,” he said. “I just point out the truth about them and they get mad.” The orphanage owner sighed heavily. “Well I doubt that getting beat up almost everyday will do a 16 year old like you any good at all,” she said. “I’ll try especially hard today, ok?” Ty said. “Just for you.” The bus pulled up and Ty climbed on it. He waved good bye to the owner and went to the very back of the bus. Luckily for Ty, he was the very first one to get picked up so he always had his pick of the seats on the bus. He sat down in the back and the bus began to pull away from the curb. Unfortunately for Ty, the bus made a lot of stops and they wouldn’t be arriving at school for almost an hour and a half. “Guess I better catch up on my rest,” he thought to himself and he felt his eyes slowly closing and before he knew it, he had drifted off into a peaceful sleep.
A sharp pain in his gut rudely woke him up though. He opened his eyes and looked down. Someone had thrown their bags on him. He looked to the side and saw a strange looking girl sitting next to him. She had pale grey, almost white eyes, and she didn’t seem to react to anything around her. Her hair matched her eyes and Ty saw that her uniform was a lot different from his. “Well,” Ty thought to himself. “The teachers did say something about some transfer students enrolling in our school.” Ty grabbed the bags and put them on the floor. He closed his eyes to go to sleep and the bags were thrown on him again. His eyes snapped open and he glanced at the girl, but saw that it was a boy sitting next to her, who had thrown the bags. “Do I look like an unloading zone?” Ty asked the boy. The boy glared at him. “You sort of do, actually.” Ty felt many insults come to mind, but he remembered what he had promised and settled down. He sat up in his seat and looked out at the street.

Ty noticed that a lot more people were getting on the bus than usual. More girls than boys too. They all wore that strange uniform like the girl that sat next to him. Ty was wondering about this when another bag hit him in the back of the head. “I’ll get him back,” Ty thought. “It’s going to be painfully embarrassing as well.” Ty sat back against the seat and looked around. All of the other students were talking and getting along, even the new students that were enrolling today. Everyone except him and the strange looking girl sitting next to him. He was looking at her, when he saw the boy throw another bag at him. Ty shielded his face and was surprised when the girl caught the bag before it hit him. “Hey, what do you think your doing?” the boy said, outraged. The girl looked at him and threw his back at him. It hit him in his stomach and he fell back into his chair holding his stomach. Ty looked at the girl and was tempted to thank her, but after looking at her, figured that he wasn’t going to get much out of her. He was relieved when the bus finally pulled up to the school.
Everyone got to their feet and began pushing each other, trying to get out of the bus. Ty stayed sitting. After everyone had gotten off, he got up and walked off the bus. He noticed that the girl hadn’t gotten up until he had. “What’s the deal with this girl?” he wondered. He was getting off the bus when he tripped over someone’s foot. He looked up sharply and saw that it was the same boy from earlier. He looked at Ty for a second and then ran into the school building laughing. Ty smiled slowly. The first class of the day was swimming class. He ran into school and went into the cafeteria. He bought a bottle of water and ran back outside. He emptied the bottle as he ran. He rounded the side of the building and slowed down. “Where are they?” Ty wondered to himself as he scanned the ground. “I know they were here yesterday.” Ty continued to look until finally he found what he was looking for. A huge mound of fire ants.
Ty dug in his pocket and found one of the many mini lollipops that he had gotten from the previous day for doing chores. He unwrapped it and stuck it into the mound of ants. It was swarmed by the ants and Ty quickly put them in his bottle. “I don’t think that’s enough,” he said to himself and grabbed two more lollipops. He repeated the process and looked into his bottle. It was crawling with the ants. Ty smiled and ran back into the building. He was late, but usually his name wasn’t called until last. He ran until he got to the locker room. He looked around for the boy’s locker. “Normally I wouldn’t be able to tell someone’s pants from someone else’s in this school, but since the boy had an S shaped rip in his pants, I should be able to find them easily enough,” he thought to himself. He saw them hanging off a locker and ran over to them. He unscrewed the top to the bottle and emptied it’s content’s into the pair of pants. After he finished, he ran over to his own locker and got dressed in his trunks. “This should be fun,” he thought to himself as he walked into the pool area.
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