Status: Incomplete sorry

Soul Beasts


As soon as he did, Ty could tell that something was wrong. The boys were all standing in a little group and there were girls in the pool. Ty walked up to the instructor. “When did our swim class become joined with the girl’s?” he asked. The instructor looked at him and shrugged his shoulders. “The girl’s instructor had a family emergency and probably won’t be back for a couple weeks.” “So that means?” Ty asked. “That the boys and girls will join swimming classes until that time,” the instructor said. “When I first told the boys, they were ecstatic, but when they showed up and got in the pool, they all got out and huddled over there,” he said pointing. “I don’t really blame them,” Ty said looking into the pool of girls. “What are we doing today anyway?” Ty asked the instructor. “It’s a free day, so that the boys and girls can get warmed up to each other,” the instructor said. “Yes,” Ty said to himself.
Although Ty was glad that it was a free period, he couldn’t find anything better to do than watch the girls swim. He spotted the strange girl swimming back and forth in the pool and went over to her. When she came back, she surfaced and wiped the water from her eyes. “That seems kind of pointless to me, just swimming back and forth I mean,” Ty said to her. The girl looked at him and then proceeded swimming to the other end of the pool. “Man,” Ty thought. “What a creepy girl.” Just then, he saw the boy walk away from the group and go into the locker room. “I’m sick of this,” he said. “If I’m not going to swim then I won’t stay dressed like I’m going to.” He went into the locker room and Ty smiled. About a minute passed in total silence. Ty could almost hear the boy putting the pants on. Then… a horrifying scream rang out and the boy ran out of the locker room screaming and scratching his pants.
“What’s wrong with you?” the instructor asked. Without slowing down the boy answered, “Ants are biting me!” he screamed. He proceeded to run around pointlessly until the instructor grabbed him and threw him into the pool. All the while, Ty was sitting by the side of the pool, smiling. “That’s not a very funny thing you did,” someone said beside him. Ty looked and found that it was the strange girl who had talked. “Wow,” Ty said. “She talks.” “Anyway, who are you?” he asked. “My conscious?” He got up and walked away from the pool. The bell rang and he went into the locker room. He grabbed his pants and checked them. After he searched them thoroughly, he put them on and went to his algebra class. “Good morning students,” the math teacher says. “I’ve missed most of you,” she said looking directly at Ty. Ty acted offended. “Why teacher,” he said. “Just because your not as beautiful as me doesn’t mean that you need to offend me,” he said striking a pose. This invoked snickers from the rest of the class. “Just sit down Ty,” the teacher said in an exasperated voice.
Ty sat down with his chin in his hands. “Man, I hate this class,” Ty thought to himself. He watched as the teacher went about introducing the new transfer students one by one. When the strange girl came up, he paid attention. “This one’s name is Trina,” the math teacher said. “Feel free to go pick a seat,” she said. Trina nodded and chose the seat next to Ty. “Damn,” he thought to himself. “What is this girl’s deal?” he wondered to himself. He sighed as the teacher began the lesson of the day. “I wish anything would happen to interrupt this stupid class,” he thought. He looked at the teacher writing and felt his eyes beginning to close. “Just a normal day of my life after all,” he thought.

“Wake up Ty!” he heard someone scream. Ty’s eyes snapped open and he saw his teacher standing in front of him. “There’re ants on the loose. They’ve spread from wherever they came from and into our math class. I’m a little surprised that you haven’t been bitten,” she said. That’s when Ty heard the screams. He looked around him and saw mostly everyone in the classroom either screaming or running around. He looked to the seat next to him and saw that Trina was looking at him. Ty looked away. “Everyone remain calm!” the teacher screamed. “Everyone who has ants on them, run to the pool area and jump in!” The room emptied out quickly as the students rushed to the pool area. The only two people left in the room were Trina and Ty. Trina put her chin in her hands. “Your such an idiot,” she said in an exasperated tone. “Why would you do something like this?” she asked Ty. “It wasn’t supposed to spread,” Ty murmured. Trina looked at him sharply. “What did you think was going to happen? You thought they were going to stay still and not move. You are such an imbecile!” “Shut up already,” Ty said.
About thirty minutes passed before the teacher and the students returned from their swim in the pool. Everyone’s eyes were focused on Ty. “Why aren’t they looking at the girl?” he wondered and glanced at Trina. She was pointing at him. “He did it,” she said simply. Ty looked back at the teacher slowly. Never before had he seen her eyes so full of hate. “YOU’RE A COMPLETE FAILURE!!” she screamed. “You can’t do anything smart, so instead you go around acting like an idiot!” she continued. “GET OUT OF MY CLASSROOM!” Ty stood up and walked out of the room. “Damn,” he thought to himself. “That dumb girl. Who the hell does she think she is?” Ty walked down the hallway. “I’m not going to the office,” he thought to himself. “Well, I guess I better head out to the river,” he said and walked towards the double doors that led to the outside. He opened the doors and one of the worst sights that he had ever seen awaited him. The boy stood there surrounded by three of the ant attack victims. “Figured I’d catch you out here,” he said. He snapped his fingers. “Get him.”
Ty stood absolutely no chance at all. Two of the them held him down and the other two took turns hitting him. “Think your funny now?!” the boy asked, swinging again and again. Eventually, they tired out and dropped him on the ground, but the malicious bastards hadn’t had enough yet. They then proceeded to kick him while he was down. The boy kicked him again one last time and spit on him. “Let that be the last time, you try and be brave,” he said and stepped on Ty on his way to the building. Ty slowly sat up. He sigh painfully and slowly got to his feet. He limped back into the school and went into the bathroom. He closed the door and found the nearest mirror. He gasped and then regretted it as a sharp pain shot through his chest. His hair was matted down by the mud and dirt on the ground, his right eye was bruised and quickly swelling. His shirt and pants were torn where he had been punched and kicked. His nose and mouth were bleeding and he had multiple cuts on his arms, legs, and face. He touched his face and winced. “Well at least I’ll be able to go home early,” he thought and slowly turned and limped out of the bathroom. “My next class is reading.”

He opened the door and went in. He felt the eyes staring at him and heard all of the gasps as the students saw what had happened to him. He limped to his chair and sat down heavily, blood dripping onto the desk. Ty looked towards the front of the class and saw the teacher struggling with the words that he was supposed to say. He chanced a glance to the side and sure enough, Trina was there, staring at him wide eyed. “What happened to you?” she asked. Something snapped in Ty at that moment. “Nothing happened to me!” he screamed. “I always put ants in someone’s pants and then am left perfectly alone afterwards.” “Your responsible for this,” he continued. His chest was searing with pain, but he didn’t care. “Did you honestly think that no one was going to do anything to me when they found out?!” he screamed. Trina sat there, staring at him in disbelief. Ty thought of another insult and was about to say it, but instead of the words that he intended to say coming out, blood spilled from his mouth. He heard people scream and he saw Trina scoot back. He placed his hand on his mouth and pulled it away. Blood was everywhere. Ty’s vision began to fade and before he knew it, he was falling and everything faded.
Ty’s eyes felt as if cranes were pulling them. They felt so heavy, but he forced them open. He saw a doctor at the side of the bed talking to the foster owner. “He’s suffered from internal bleeding and a couple ruptured organs,” he heard the doctor say. “We’ve given him some medicine for his outer wounds, so those should be fine. I have to warn you though,” the doctor said turning to look at Ty. “If he goes through anything like he went through today, his organs will completely fail.” “There’s that word again,” Ty thought closing his eyes. “Fail, Failure.” “I’ve been told that I’m going to fail and that I am a failure for as long as I can remember,” he thought. “Why am I so different from everyone else?” he thought to himself. “I hope one day,” Ty thought, his thoughts beginning to trail off, “That’ll change.” Ty’s thoughts completely ceased and he was asleep in seconds.
He opened his eyes again, but this time, he was in his bed at the orphanage. The orphanage owner was holding his hand and when she saw him open his eyes, she smiled. “I’m sor…” he began. “Shhhhh,” she said, gently caressing his hand. “It’s alright,” she said. Ty could see the truth in her eyes. He had caused her a great deal of pain. He tried again to speak. “Don’t speak,” the woman said. Ty raised his hand. “Please let say one thing,” Ty said weakly. “I’m sorry for what I’ve done,” he began. “My pointless revenge had it’s toll on you and I’m so sorry.” The woman put a finger on Ty’s lips. “That’s enough Ty,” she said gently. “I’m honestly just glad that you turned out alright.” “Now go to sleep. Ty began to close his eyes, but then they opened again. “I have to go to school tomorrow,” he said. “Why in the world would you want to go back to school after what happened to you today?” she asked, alarm in her voice. “Please,” Ty said. “I feel like I have to go to school tomorrow.” “If your strong enough, we’ll see,” she said and kissed Ty’s forehead. “Now get some rest.”
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