Status: Short story, only one chapter



I swayed on the spot in the pure darkness. The hunger was getting to me, I knew I was a monster and the fact disgusted me. I sat on a park bench in midtown Iowa and mused. Every young woman who passed me smiled. The vampiric way of life is hunting. Vampires give off an aura which makes the prey calm. The aura reaches into the mind of any young female and changes her perspective of the hunter who sits before her. I didn’t like it, but that was the vampire way.

Don’t even assume for a second that I chose this, hell no, it was Marie who did this to me. Have you ever fallen in love? Falling in love is a bond which even sense it’s self cannot break. Marie’s aura got to me big time. The aura convinced my brain that Marie was vulnerable, that she had to be with me every moment of the day. My friends just thought I had gotten clingy. I always wondered why Marie had had no friends, I guess the fact that she was a succubus kind of explains it.

During the night of Friday the thirteenth, I bedded her. Yes, it was my fault, temptation is a cruel mistress. She passed on the vampiric gene to me and I became... a creature of the night. One of them, being a hunter made me sick. It made me hungry and it made me lustful. I inhaled as another young female walked past me. The creature inside this human body giggled and shadowed my mind into thinking like a hunter.

I rose from the bench and fastened my leather jacket. The night was cold and empty; there were no stars to light the night and no moon. I followed this woman, she wasn’t anything special, and she had no defining features. She had her long black hair tied into a tail at the back of her head and as she walked it bounced.

I approached from behind, every step closer to the woman I took she slowed a little more and began to shiver. The shivers had nothing to do with the cold; the monster inside me took her liberties away. She was no longer in control of her body. It is said that the vampires curse can be broken, only if the victim can overcome the thrall and gain back her free will.
I put my arms around her waist and inclined my head towards her neck, a lover’s kiss you may say. Her eyes rolled back into her head as I went in for the life force, I needed the blood, I was so hungry, it hurt, I was desperate, and God forgive me. That night was different though, that night something happened. I drew back for some reason; it was like my human side was taking over the monster side.

I froze and went still; the woman looked into my eyes with her own. Her pupils were pure white. She smiled at me. I shivered; it had nothing to do with the cold. It is said that a bully will always get his comeuppance; I just wish I had time to feel empathy for my human self before she tore my throat out with her teeth.

Vampires, they look after themselves, they all meet their end someday, whether it is by the hand of some heroine or another creature. That’s why we don’t stalk on a night of a full moon, afraid of being killed by a werewolf. Our own kind however, we find fucking delicious.