***doll Misfits




Ok guys, this is my first story ever so please be gentle, I’m heaps nervous and stuff so yeah, here’s the basic idea.

Hope it makes sense : D

Basically this is the story of 4 troublemaking 5 year olds, Wednesday, Joey, Roman, and Racci (The 2010 Murderdolls.) (E.g.: the dudes in the episodes of Mad Manager exept for Jack due to the fact that he is to damn quiet and i can't get any pictures of him)

and Nikki Sixx a 15 year old who wants nothing more that to enjoy his X-box in peace only to be tricked by his mother into babysitting them.
What will happen?.....

For those who don’t know what they look like, this is them as adults:
(For the story just imagine 5 year old versions or them ^_^ sooooo cute)

Joey Jordison and Wednesday 13


Racci Shay


Roman Surman


Nikki Sixx
