Status: finished

She's Ours

She's Ours.

She’s our Angel.

She looked at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, a mixture of mine and her father’s. Her long dark eye lashes fluttered as she flickered her eyes simultaneously, “Mommy—how did you meet Daddy?” she asked in her high pitched voice. I looked back at her and smiled, “Well—I met your Daddy at a concert princess.” I replied, her eyes widened in curiosity as she scooted closer to me. I wrapped my arm around her and pulled her over to my lap, “A concert? Was he watching the concert too Mommy?” she asked again. Her eyes gleamed with anxiousness as she waited for my reply, “Hmm—no Princess, he wasn’t.” I shook my head; her mouth formed a small letter “O” and nodded slowly.

“Then what was he doing on the concert Mommy?” she asked.

“He was playing the guitar with your Uncles; he was in a band with them.” I replied, stroking the locks of her brown hair.

“Oooh, and then what happened?” she said, urging me to continue. I laughed softly and carried on with my story, “Well when I arrived at their concert, I didn’t see him at first because they were behind the stage.” I continued, she shifted her position towards me and her eyes were focused to mine, eager to hear the whole story about how I and her dad met.

“Hmm—wait, why are they behind the stage? Were they scared of other people?” she asked curiously.

I shook my head and smiled softly at her, “No they weren’t sweetheart, they were preparing. So that when they go on stage, they could perform very well.” I replied.

“Ooh, so they were practicing right?” she exclaimed. I nodded in agreement, “So after that, they went on stage and played. Your daddy didn’t notice me at first, because there were lots of beautiful girls surrounding him. And he noticed them instead of me.” I said, sighing deeply. She narrowed her eyes and grunted, crossing her arms upon her chest. “I bet all those pretty girls are just wearing fake masks, because they know that if they wear fake masks Daddy will notice them.” She said, her eyes still narrowed down.

“Haha! Maybe they were, but! Your aunt helped me out.” I exclaimed.

“Which Aunt? My favorite Aunt?” she replied.

I nodded again with a smile; she giggled softly, returning to her position back in my arms. “She called your Daddy and introduced me to him; he said Hi and shook my hand. But he still went back to those beautiful girls whom I told you about a while ago,” I continued.
“Know what Mommy? Sometimes Daddy is a dummy, but don’t tell him I told you that!” she replied, giggling harder this time as she buried her face unto my chest. I couldn’t help but giggle too, she was the sweetest angel ever and she was the best thing that’s ever happened to me, next to her father of course.

“But how could you say that though? Haha—sweetheart, Daddy was still young that time.” I said, lifting her face so I could see it clearly.

She raised her eyebrow and tilted her head sideward, “Hmp! Even if he was young, he should’ve noticed you first.” She debated, I may sound a bit biased but she was right.
“Well, he didn’t. But after that, he did and then he asked me out for dinner. I got to know him better and we became really good friends, and then he asked me to be his girlfriend.” I replied, leaving out the parts that weren’t appropriate for her to hear.

“Hmm—then there was me, right?” she squealed, jumping up from her seat.

“Haha! Well, we got married first. And then there was you.” I replied, smiling widely at her. She giggled softly and threw her arms around me, she hugged me tightly. “You’re the best Mommy ever,” she whispered in my ear.

Tears started to form in the corner of my eyes, as my heart melted. This girl wrapping her arms tight around me is the best too and she was mine, wait—scratch that, she was ours.

“And you’re my best princess ever, Cady.” I whispered back to her.

A few moments passed and the door knob turned and clicked, the door opened slowly and he stepped inside. He had a big smile plastered across his face; Cady pulled away from me and turned to him. “Hey princess,” he greeted softly. She squealed cheerfully and ran to her father’s arms; he held unto her gently and picked her up. He wrapped his arms around her for a hug, “So how was your day my little princess?” he asked her softly.

“It was great Daddy, Mommy told me about the day you met and how you went out for dinner and then you got married.” She replied happily, her eyes focused to her father’s.

“Hmm—did Mommy also tell you how good-looking I was before?” he said jokingly.

She giggled loudly, “Well she did—and she also said that you didn’t notice her before. How could you not notice her?” she grunted, pouting her tiny pink lip.

He gasped and turned to me, putting his left hand on his waist and narrowed his eyes unto to jokingly, “I noticed you okay? I was just too shy to tell.” He exclaimed, marching towards the couch with his daughter in his arms and he sat next to me. he set Cady down on his lap and moved his arm over my shoulders, “Oh really? You did?” I replied, raising my eyebrow. Cady looked at us curiously, I could see on her face that she was quite amused.

“Yep—I noticed you, because you were different from any other girl that night.” He said.

“Hmm alright, whatever you say.” I replied, turning to our daughter. She flashed a big smile to the both of us and I planted a soft kiss upon her forehead, and he did too.

“I still can’t believe that she’s ours, I mean—look at her. She’s perfect, just like you.” He said softly, turning to me.

“Well, she definitely is an angel. And she’s your daughter, Kennedy Brock.” I replied, and his lips found its way to mine.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well, I just had to write it down. :'---)
Camille + Kennedy = Cady aksdjakdjh okay bye.