Living in a Fairytale

In a fairytale with Anna

I was sitting on my bed, next to my best friend, Anna. It was one of our girls night. We were home alone and we were watching a stupid romance starring Ashton Kutcher.
"How do you do that?" asked Anna during the adds. She looked at me with her big eyes. I still envy her those beautiful blue eyes.
"Do what?" I asked. I really didn't have any idea what was she talking about.
"You know, just - how can you make your life so perfect?"
I smiled. "I don't know. It just - happens." The truth is - I really don't know. Sometimes I feel I live in a fairytale. It's almost too good to be true. So I'm terribly scared that someday my whole fairytale will end. But till then, I can just enjoy in it, right?
"Oh, sometimes I wish to be in your shoes, you know what I mean?" She took the last slice of pizza but she didn't eat it. She was just holding it in her left hand and looked at me again. "You've got everything. You were accepted to the university, which the others can only dream about."
I smiled. "Yeah, I guess I am lucky."
"I don't think it's just luck. Oh, not to forget that you are dating the cutest guy in the town."
That's the thing I didn't get it, either. I kept asking myself why on earth would Tom pick me, just a regular brunette, insted of one of those hot blondes who are twice more attractive than I am. I've never figured that out.
"Are you sure he doesn't have any brother?" she asked. I laughed. It was kind of funny. She had asked that same question like thirty, maybe forty times before. The answer was always the same, though.
"Nope. He only has a sister, if that helps."
"Thanky, but I think I will pass that. I'm still straight, you know?" Then she added: "But I am thinking about becoming a nune. What do you think?"
I punched her gently at her shoulder. Well, I wanted to do it gently, but I don't think I did it that way. The thing is - I used to be quite good in boxing when I was a child. Looks like I didn't completely loose the whole strenght.
"I think you totally lost your mind!" I said. "Someday you will find your soulmate, too. You'll see."
She nodded. "Yeah, I guess I will, right? But I really hope that will be soon. I'm tired of waiting for my prince to come."
"Don't worry. Sooner or later it will happen. You don't have to rush."
"Oh, look who's talking," she said sarcastically. "Maybe you don't have to rush. But I do. I don't have a stud like you do."
I always laugh when she calls Tom a stud. I can't help myself. It's funny.
To be honest - I started to think our relationship really does have that something. I mean, I'm pretty sure he's the one. He's right for me, I know that. He's the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.
"You know what? If it helps, you will be my bridemaid, OK?"
She laughed at loud. "OK. But make sure the bestman will be at least half as cute as your Tommy is."
I laughed, too. I really wanted to hug her, but when I saw Ashton Kutcher without a shirt, I completely forgot to do that. He was so damn handsome half naked. Well, he's handsone with his clothes on, as well. But, to admit, my Tom is even more gorgeus.
The rest of the evening we were just lying on the bed, talking about everthing, but mostly about guys. Of course. When my mom came home, we were already sleeping. I was holding Anna's hand, just to show her that our beautiful friendship would last forever. And there is no guy that could break our special friendship. Not even Tom.