For The Boy

The Boy's Thoughts.

Everyday, I watched Aurora and Phoenix grow. Aurora more beautiful every day, like her mother. Phoenix, ever stronger. Growing up too fast, like all kids do.

The adoration and love in Savannah's eyes was more visible with every second she spent with her children. Our children. All so young, yet all so wise. So in love with being a mother, being a wife, being a lover. She was all that a woman could, and should be. She couldn't cook, but that's what she had me for.

When we got home from the hospital, Aurora and Savannah looked so much alike, it was uncanny. They both looked exhausted, stressed, the nerves at end. Aurora even sighed like her. They were both so beautiful. Every noise Phoenix made, they twitched and looked at him. I chuckled.

"Why don't you two go lie down, and I'll take care of Nix, here. You need rest." Savannah leaned her face into my hand when I touched her. I always loved when she did that.

"I can help you, baby, it's not a big deal," she said around a yawn. She was so striking that sometimes, I couldn't even look at her.

"You're too beautiful. Go get some rest," I whispered in her ear. I kissed her forehead and picked her up. Aurora was already in her lap. I carried them into our bedroom and they curled up in the bed, holding each other. I shut the door and went into the kitchen where Phoenix had stayed.

"Daddy, daddy!" He yelled. I smiled.

"Yes?" I started rummaging around for dinner items. Savannah always loved it when I cooked for her.

"Let's take pictures of us for Mama. You know how she likes pictures." His innocence and his little voice turned my heart into butter.

"That's a good idea, little man. Go find her camera. But be quiet, we wanna be sneaky."

He giggled and tiptoed into the other room. I smiled and looked out the kitchen window. I picked this house because I knew how much Savannah loved the snow. Winter was her favorite season. She told more stories in the winter. Maybe because we spent more time inside. I loved hearing her stories. She knew so much.

I stood reminiscing for twenty minutes before Phoenix started tugging on my pant leg. I picked him up without looking.

"Take a picture of the snow for Mama. You know she'll like that."