

Drowning…or floating? She couldn’t decide what it was she was feeling. She was drowning miles below the water and flying miles above the earth. She was herself, she could remember her mom and dad, even her cat, but then she would loose it…she would be nothing, just another drop of water in an ocean or a cloud. She was coasting in her stupor when she felt a tug, a pull grasping her from her flight and throwing her into a place she knew she didn’t want to be in.
She could feel a softness against her back. She wasn’t floating or swimming, she was laying down. It couldn’t have been a dream, could it? She tried to open her eyes. White light pieced through her head. Her neck wouldn’t work, stopping her from turning her face away. She tried again to open her eyes, but the light wouldn’t permit her to. She laid there, bracing for a third attempt, when her ears picked up sounds. A beeping staying a steady and smooth rhythm. Then voices reached her ears. They were too far away to hear what was said but she could recognize one as her mother’s, she could hear their steps making their way towards her. They were moving closer, getting clearer.
“--doesn’t look good. The tests show the car impacted at an angle that her organs shifted. We are trying to stabilized her but… like I said it…doesn’t look good..”
She didn’t know this voice. She didn’t like it. She didn’t like the tone and didn’t like the way they said the words. She didn’t quite understand what he was saying about that poor little girl but it didn’t sound good.
“There has to be something you can do, something, anything!” her mother’s voice cried out. She could hear tears dripping from her mother’s words. She wanted to get up, to go comfort her mother, tell her it would be alright, the girl would be fine.
She heard their footsteps stop rather close to her. She opened her eyes again, and managed to keep them open. She saw a tube too close to her face. She heard the beeping speed up. She was nervous now, she couldn’t gather herself, she couldn’t tell what she felt or thought. She only wanted to hear her mother’s voice again.
The beeping became more rapid. Her chest started to hurt. She tried to breath, but felt something stuck in her throat and finally saw that the tube near her face was breathing for her. She lost control. Her body thrashed and clawed at something that was covering her. Her blanket. She was desperate to control herself. Prove to herself she was still a healthy ten year old girl. She closed her eyes against the reality of the room she was in. She tried to take a breath again, and choked. The beeping went off the charts.
Foot steps ran into the room. She heard her mothers voice calling to her. She tired to reach out to her, she really did, but she was falling away. Her pain grew too great, her heart raced too fast, her body rebelled too hard. She was yanked away from her mother.
“Can you put the window down?” came a high pitch voice from the back seat. Burff, whish, the window opened and wind grazed its way into the car and casting out the stale air. She opened her eyes and stared out the window of the car. She loved these moments.