‹ Prequel: Prisoners in Lust

From This Moment On

Wouldn't Change A Thing

You, me
We're face to face
But we don't see eye to eye
Like fire and rain (Like fire and rain)
You can drive me insane (You can drive me insane)
But I can't stay mad at you for anything
We're Venus and Mars (Venus and Mars)
We're like different stars (like different stars)
but you're the harmony to every song I sing
And I wouldn't change a thing
When I'm yes, she's no
When I hold on, he just lets go
We're perfectly imperfect
But I wouldn't change a thing, no

*One months later*

Ding Dong

“Coming!” I screamed walking to the door. I looked back to check on Brayden even though he should be sleeping instead of playing with his toys. When I opened the door the smile fell from my lips. I was completely shocked.


“Zach what are you doing here?” I said crossing my arms over my chest.

“I miss you. I wanted to come see you.” He was slurring his words and could hardly keep his balance. Great!

“Zach, are you drunk?” he just pointed at me. Yup he was drunk. “Wait, did you drive here drunk?” I looked past him to see if his car was in the driveway. He looked back to.

“Um…Yup.” He popped his p and turned back around to face me.

“Are you trying to kill yourself?”

“No, I just really needed to come see you.” He tried to take a step forward but fell.

“Whoa! Okay that’s it. You need to sleep this off.”

“I can stay?” he sounded surprised.

“Yes, in the guess room down stairs.”

“Oh…” he sounded disappointed. I helped him into the kitchen and sat him down at the table.

“Stay here for a second. I got to put Brayden to sleep.” I went to get Brayden and get a bottle for him out of the fridge and to make coffee for Zach.

I took Brayden up stairs into his room and rocked him to sleep as he drank his bottle. Thank god he fell asleep fast because I was kind of scared to leave Zach alone downstairs. Once Brayden was sound asleep I took a deep breath and prepared myself to deal with my stupid drunk husband. God I can’t believe he drover here drunk. Thank god nothing happened to him. I mean it’s not like he’s the world’s best driver when he’s sober. Well here goes nothing.

“Brey, why are you letting me stay here? Why don’t you just kick me out?”

“Well believe it or not I still love you and you’re still my husband. And I’m not letting you drive home drunk and no one is going to come get you at 12 at night.” I said pouring him a cup of coffee and handing it to him. Then I went to the living room and started cleaning up all the toys.

“Thank you. You know I love you too. I never meant to hurt you. I just fucked up big time and I swear on our son that it’ll never happen again.”

“I trust you.” I stopped and looked up at him. Then I went back to cleaning.

“Did you ever get the present I sent you?”

“Yes I did. Thank you.” He sent me a beautiful bouquet of red roses and a gorgeous bracelet the week after our fight. I honestly forgave Zach the day after our fight but I couldn’t let him know that because he needed to learn from his mistake and I want him to fight for my trust again. All the toys were cleaned and I didn’t know what to do anymore. If I spent one second alone with Zach without being focused on something else I was afraid that I was going to crumble and all this hard work of making him realize what he did would have been for nothing. Every time I look into those blue eyes I get weak. So I didn’t know what to do.

“Go out to dinner with me tomorrow?” well that came out of nowhere.

“Zach I…”

“Just please give it a chance. Please say yes. I really miss you.”

“I don’t know.”

“Sleep on it if you want to and you can give me an answer in the morning.”

“Speaking of sleeping it’s time you get your drunk ass to bed.” I said walking over to him and grabbing the coffee mug off the table and started washing it. I didn’t know what else to do. Then out of nowhere, again, Zach came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing his lips on the side of my neck. Damn you Porter! I closed my eyes and held my breath. My heart started racing my and stomach was doing flips. Damn it! I have to keep it together. But I missed those lips so much and the way his touch could send chills down my spine giving me goss bumps. No! Must. Keep. It. Together.

“Goodnight Brey.” Zach whispered only millimeters away from my neck. Curse him for knowing me so well. Even if he was drunk.

“Goodnight Zach.” I said trying act as if he had no affect on me. But damn he knows how to break me down. That night I almost couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning for a good hour. My husband who’s been out of the house for a month is drunk sleeping in the guest room downstairs after we just kissed my neck even though we’re fighting at the moment. My head was spinning. But I eventually fell asleep. Thank god.

The next morning I woke up exactly at 9. It was way too early! But I knew I had to get up. The first thing I did was go to see if Brayden was awake. And of course he was. See here’s the thing with Brayden, unless he needs his diaper changed or is hungry when he wakes up he doesn’t cry. I picked him up and took him downstairs for breakfast. I sat him in his high chair and got out his food. I was in the middle of feeding him when he said ‘Daddy’ I smiled to myself for a quick second. I think that was the first time he ever called Zach daddy. I turned around to find him standing right behind me. I could tell he didn’t feel good. Well that’s what he would get for drinking too much.

“Good morning beautiful.” He kissed my forehead. Wait, did that mean he knew what he was doing last night when he kissed my neck? I turned back around and went back to feeding Brayden.

“There is a bottle of water and Advil on the counter for you.”

“Thank you.” He said walking over to it taking the pills and hopping up onto the counter drinking his water.

“Welcome.” It was getting harder to not show emotion.

“So did you think about tonight?” damn I would hope he forgot about that?



“Watch him for me as I go take a shower.” I said cleaning up Brayden’s breakfast and putting the dirty bowl in the sink going back to him cleaning his face and taking him out of his high chair.

“Of course.” Zach hopped off the counter walking over to me taking Brayden. I almost ran up the stairs to take my shower.

When I got out I stood in front of the mirror for a good five minutes just reminding myself to stay strong. Never thought that Zach would walk in. And with my luck I was only in my underwear. Awesome! Could things get any worse right now? I mean I know he’s my husband and has seen me naked before but we are fighting right now, or suppose to be. God is testing me. I know it.

“Sorry. I thought you were still in the shower. I just came to get a change of clothes real fast.” He just stood there looking me up and down.

Not one of us sad another word. Zach slowly started walking towards me. I knew I should have said something but it was like I lost my voice and his eyes locked on mine had paralyzed me. Then his lips gently touched mine. It has been entirely way to long and I caved. Just like that. We started making out and Zach lifted me up onto the counter. Zach’s hands wondered my back. He pulled back real quick and threw his shirt off over his head then leaned back in to kiss me.

“Brey, I’m here!” Kate screamed as she walked into the house. I forgot she was coming over today. Saved by the bell. I pulled back from Zach and ran to the bedroom door.

“I’ll be right down. Just getting dressed.” I tried not sounding like I was out of breath.


I turned back around to Zach as he was laughing a little to himself leaning against the bathroom doorframe. I shut the bedroom door.

“It’s not funny!” I grabbed my pants off the bed and put them on.

“Yes it is.” He said walking over to me wrapping his arms around my waist again. Damn it he needs to stop.

“You know you’re not making it very easy to be mad at you right now.” I said giving in wrapping my arms around his neck.

“Well good. I don’t want you to be mad at me anymore.” He leaned down to kiss me again. This time is was just a quick kiss.

“Go get dressed.” I said pushing him back.

“I think I should probably take a shower first.” He said biting his lip seductively. Tease!

“Then you go do that.” I said putting on my shirt.

“Wish you were joining me.” He gave me those bedroom eyes. Stop it Porter!

“Oh, too bad.” I said smiling leaving the room closing the door behind him. I walked down the hall to get Brayden from his room and went back downstairs to where Kate was waiting.

“There they are.” She said smiling as I handed her, her godson.

“You came just in the nick of time.” I said sitting down next to her on the couch.

“What are you talking about?”

“Zach came over last night.”

“What!? And you didn’t call me?” she put Brayden down so he could go play with his toys.

“He showed up at midnight drunk. He friken drove here last night drunk. So I made him sleep in the guest room. But as I was cleaning up he came up behind me and kissed my neck then went to bed. And this morning when I was feeding Brayden his kissed my forehead.”

“Oh my god.”

“That’s not even the half of it. He just came into our bedroom while I was getting dressed and started kissing me. I swear if you didn’t come walking in when you did we would have had sex.”

“What happened to staying strong and making him learn his lesson?”

“I was trying but it’s not very easy when he’s coming on to you the whole time. This was the first time I’ve really even spoken to him since that fight. And to top it off he asked me out to dinner tonight.”

“Well where is he right now?”

“Taking a shower upstairs.”

“Are you going to go out to dinner with him tonight?”

“Yeah I think so. I mean it would be stupid to say no after almost having sex with him. The only reason I had to say no was because I was mad at him. But that secret is out now so I might as well. I think it will be good for us though. We need to just talk about it.”

“I think it’ll be good for you two also. I know he misses you and you miss him. Plus I don’t think I can take him stealing Cam away from me all the time anymore.”

“Listen you and Cam are getting married in two months. You’ll have plenty of time with him.”

“I know.” she couldn’t help but to blush and smile a mile wide. I missed that feeling.

“So are you and Cam up for babysitting tonight?”

“Of course. I would love to have my godson tonight. I really haven’t seen him in forever since I was always busy with the wedding planning and you were busy being a single mom for a month. I’m sorry I haven’t been there.”

“It’s okay. I need the alone time with Brayden to just focus and think. You know how strong I am.”

“True. And I also know that if you needed me you would tell me.”

“Yup.” We both laughed and right then Zach came walking down the stairs. It got really awkward and silent.

“So you never gave me an answer about tonight.” he walked over to the couch and was standing behind me.

“Yes.” He smiled.

“Good so I’ll come get you at 6.”

“Sounds good.” I was trying to keep my tough girl act again.

“See you later babe.” He leaned down to kiss my head then walked over to Brayden to give him a hug and kiss then left. The second the door shut I took a deep breath and just looked at Kate.

“See what I mean.” I said.

“I see.” She laughed.


“Brey will you hurry up! Zach will be here any second!” Cameron screamed from the bottom of the stairs.

“Chill out!” Kate screamed back at him. She was upstairs helping me get ready.

“Okay, how do I look?” I said stepping back from the mirror facing Kate.

“You look hot!” she smiled at me.

“Thanks!” I said sarcastically. Then the doorbell rang. My heart started beating so fast.

“You okay?” Kate asked.

“Yeah, just nervous about going out on a date with my husband. You know.”

“And even when she’s nervous she is still sarcastic as hell.”

“Hey, watch your mouth around my son. He repeats everything.”

“Breyandra Lynn Porter get your ass down here right now and go on your date with your husband!” Cameron screamed once.

“I’m coming! Chill out!” I screamed back taking one last look in the mirror before heading down stairs. Kate was behind me with Brayden. As I walked down the stairs I saw Zach completely froze where he was keeping his gaze on me.

“You look breath taken.” Zach whispered into my ear as he gave me a quick kiss and hug.

“Thank you.” I said back. He helped me put on my coat then I gave Brayden a kiss goodbye.

“Now we want her home before midnight.” Cameron mocked.

“Yeah yeah yeah.” Zach laughed as we walked out the door.

“They grow up so fast.” I hear Cam say before the door shut completely behind us.

“You know I meant everything I said last night. Even if I was drunk.” Zach said in the middle of out dinner.

“I know you meant it. You were drunk but I have a feeling you knew exactly what you were doing.”


“I meant it this morning when I said that you were making it hard to stay mad at you.”

“I could tell.” He laughed. I playfully hit him.

“However I am still very pissed at you for driving to the house drunk.”

“I know. It was stupid.”

“Don’t ever do that again. I might be mad at you but I would like you to stay unharmed.”

“You got it babe.” He said grabbing my hand gently drawling circles in the palm of my hand.

“If you want to, you can come back home.” I gave up trying. I missed him too much and it was stupid to keep holding it out after thing morning.

“Of course I want to.” He leaned over to kiss me. “God I’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you too.” I smiled. It felt good to know that Zach was coming home tonight. That he was going to be there when I woke up.

We got home at 11pm. Brayden was asleep and so was Kate. Cameron was just chilling watching TV. We dismissed him and he picked up Kate and carried her out to the car. We thanked him for watching Brayden for us and for being there for us through everything. Then the rest of the night was just like it should have been. Zach was finally back where he belonged. Needless to say that we did have sex. A wise person once told me that the best kind of sex is make up sex.
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Love you all!