Status: Sorry about the incomplete story


The Warden

"Being in here isn't too bad," number 1 decided. He lay back in his bed staring up at what he thought was the ceiling. He'd been in the dark so long, he had no idea how long he'd been there. As far back as he could remember, he'd been in the dark. Number 1 shut his eyes as the door to his room was thrown open and light stabbed at his eyes. "The warden wants to see you," someone said to him. Without opening his eyes, Number 1 stood up to allow the man to shackle his arms and legs. As he heard the chains rattling, he wondered if anyone else needed shackles as big and heavy as his. "Come on," the man said when he had finished. Number 1 opened an eye and obediently followed the man out of the cell. Only to eat and take showers. Other than that though, he was condemned to his cell. As he was being led through the hall, the man leading him began to talk to him.
"I heard that the Warden wants to reward you," he said. "For?" Number 1 asked. "Beats me, but it must be something good if your getting a reward for it." Number 1 remained silent and looked at his surrounding as he walked. They didn't say anything else until they reached the Warden's office. The man pushed open the door and beckoned the boy through it. He walked in and saw a tall figure standing in front of a tall window overlooking the facility. Knowing better than to sit down without permission, Number 1 chose instead to stand behind the chair. "Well if it isn't our very first child," a feminine voice said. The figure turned around and Number 1 nearly gasped. Instead of the harsh and ugly looking man he'd expected to see, he was shocked to see a young boy. He had short black hair, black eyes, and a surprisingly smooth looking face.
He wore baggy clothes. His shirt nearly fell to his knees and his pants were touching the floor. To top off this strange appearance, he wore a hat that was just a tad too big for his head. Already, Number 1 was puzzling through this boy's strange looking appearance. For fear of his eyes giving him away, he kept his head down. "I bet that you're wondering why you are here in my office." "Am I right?" Number 1 was silent. After a moment, the Warden continued. "The name Number 1 is very tiring to use," he said. "So I think I'll start calling you Jack. How's that sound?" "Jack," Number 1 thought. "A decent name." "Now come now Jack," the Warden said. "If you don't start talking to me, I'll have to send you right back to your cell and you'll never get your reward." Jack looked up at him. "We wouldn't want that," he said slowly. The Warden smiled. "No we wouldn't," he agreed.
He indicated the seat in front of Jack and sat in his own chair. Jack sat down on the edge of the seat, poised for a quick getaway if need be. The Warden noticed this and sigh heavily. "I'm not going to kill you Jack," he said. Jack smiled tightly. "Better safe than sorry." The Warden frowned. "If I wanted you dead, you'd be dead already," she said, surprising him. "Look at the shackles on your arms and legs. How far do you think you'd get with those on?" Jack said nothing, but the Warden could see that he was thinking hard about it. "Please feel free to respond," he said smiling. Jack remained silent and stared at the ground. "Anyway, the main reason I called you in was to tell you that you now have excercise time in the yard as of now." Jack raised his head in surprise. "The guard outside will escort you to the yard for the remainder of the current session or until you mess up and get sent back inside. Jack nodded and got to his feet. He walked out of the room and the guard took his chain.
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