Status: Sorry about the incomplete story


Time in the yard

As he was once again led through the halls, he occupied his time by taking in more of his surrounding enviroment, committing things to memory. He only became aware of the fact that they'd reached their destination when all of a sudden, a large amount of weight fell from his arms. He looked down as the guard took the shackles off of his legs. Jack stood there for a moment, wondering what to do now that he had no shackles on him. As if reading his mind, the guard pointed at the door. Jack sigh and stepped through the door. As he stepped through the door, he had to squeeze his eyes shut as the sunlight assaulted his eyes for the very first time in his life. He slowly opened his eyes, willing them to adjust to the sun. Jack had never seen the yard before and he was shocked to see so many people in the yard. Not only that, but they appeared to be around his age. The yard itself was pretty big. It had a basketball goal, an area dedicated to weights, and a place with chairs and a tv that was set on a chair.
Overwhelmed by all the things he was seeing for the first time, Jack sat down heavily on a bench and looked around. Almost immediately, he was shoved roughly to the ground. He jumped up and turned to face the culprit. A huge boy, tall, and muscular, stared at him. Jack was by no means a small boy, but this guy was taller by a couple inches easy. "That's my bench,' the guy said. "Sorry," Jack said, remembering what the Warden had said. The guy sneered at him, revealing ugly yellowed teeth. "That's exactly what you are," he said. He shoved Jack hard in the chest and made him stumble. "That's enough Steven," someone said. Steve whirled around to find the source of the voice. A boy approached them, followed by what appeared to be his posse. Jack noticed how the other kids in the yard stood back from this group of people. The boy came and stood directly in front of Steve. "This isn't any of your business Andrea," Steve said nervously.
At the name, several of the onlookers gasped. He turned back to the boy? "Isn't that a boy's name?" he wondered to himself. He looked closer at the boy and noticed more feminine features about the boy. Her eyes were hard and angry at the moment, but they were a pretty hazel brown color. He noticed that the boy's chest stuck out and that his hair was rolled up under his cap. He also noticed that his mouth was far too small to be a boy's. For a moment, nothing happened and Steve shifted uncomfortably. Andrea walked up to Steve and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him close. "You've screwed up Stevey boy," she whispered. Steve's eyes widened in fear. "What?" he said stupidly, a second before Andrea pulled a knee and drove it between Steve's legs. He cried out and pain and dropped to the ground, rolling and whimpering in pain. Andrea stepped back with a cruel smile. "My name," she said, now addressing everyone is Andy and please do your best to remember it. I'd hate to have to..." She looked at Steve. "Remind you."
"And you," she said looking at Jack. "Better watch who you mess with in the future. Do you understand me?" Jack said nothing. He just looked at her. Andy stepped closer to him. "It seems that you don't know how things work out here," she said, her voice dangerously low. "Out here, I'm sorta the one that you should listen to." Jack remained silent. "And the one you should respond to," she continued, growing angry. Jack nearly smiled as he watched Andy struggle to reign in her temper. Her self control was very limited however andshe struck out at him. Jack stepped back and raised his left leg to block Andy's kick. Her leg the side of it harmlessly and her eyes widened in surprise. She looked like she wanted to continue attacking him, but before she could, a guard walked over with a nightstick in his hand. "Is there a problem here?" he asked. Jack shook his head quickly and the guard turned to Andy. She also shook her head. The guard let out a heavy sigh as if disappointed. "Exercise time is over," he announced. "Everyone is to retire early to their cells."
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Fresh from the mind. Comment please.