Status: Incomplete

Power Within

The Fight

Just when it was about to chomp down on Raze’s arm, he pulled the concealed knife out of his pocket and plunged it deep into the boar’s lower jaw. The blade easily tore through it and exited through his chin. The boar roared and dropped him. Raze got to his feet as fast as he could and ran outside. He went to the shed out back and was happy to spot an axe laying near a stump of a tree. He grabbed it and went in. He closed the door and waited. He didn’t have to wait long as the beast beat down the door. Fortunately for Raze, the man had grown so big, he couldn’t get through the small door. The boar stretched out a clawed hand for him. This was what he had wanted. He pulled the axe out and swung it as hard as he could. The axe found it’s mark and sliced into the hand between his third and fourth fingers. The two halves of his hand bent away from each other in a gush of blood. The boar roared and pulled back his hand. Raze was aiming to slowly disable the beast and then kill it.
Raze waited a couple of minutes for the beast to reappear in the doorway, but when nothing happened, he slowly made his way out of the shed. Raze went into the house and was looking around for the boar when he smelled something funny in the air. Then he heard glass shatter in the kitchen and ran to see what it was. Outside was the boar and it had it’s now ruined and useless hand hanging to the side and a bottle with a rag that was on fire in the other hand. Raze looked to the side and saw that the gas pipe leading to the stove and heater was severed and he could see gas hissing in the air. Raze desperately started to look for a way out, but didn’t see anything. Then he spotted the refrigerator. He ran over to it and began throwing everything out of the refrigerator. The boar grunted and threw the bottle. Raze jumped into the fridge and slammed the door shut as he felt the explosion shake the kitchen. Then the fire caught the gas that was upstairs and the hotel exploded in a huge fireball. The fridge was sent flying about a football fields length away. Raze’s hand was burned from the heat emanating from the outside blast. Then fridge slammed into the ground.
Raze stayed in the fridge holding his burned hand. When he was sure the thing was gone, he slowly opened the fridge and crawled out. He walked back towards he remains of the burning house. When he arrived, the fire was already going out. Raze rummaged through the rubble and found some gauge and wrapped his hand in it. When he finished, Raze went outside and searched the surrounding buildings one by one. He searched every house and found nothing. Raze sat on the steps and put his head in his hands. Then a noise caught his attention. He followed the noises to one of the houses. He looked at it and realized that it was the only house that he hadn’t searched it before. He opened the door, took a step inside, and fell through the floor. Raze hit the floor and sat up. He was in some sort of tunnel that was filled with green light. He could hear grunts coming from further down the tunnel, so he slowly went forward. He arrived at the end of the tunnel and was shocked by what he saw.
All eight of the kids were hooked up to a huge machine that was connected to a huge screen that seemed to be showing their memories and in front of the screen were the man boar and woman boar. “That kid sure did a number on you,” the woman boar said. “Shut up,” the man boar grunted. “Which of these kids should we eat?” the women asked. “You won’t be eating any of them,” Raze said, stepping out into plain sight. The woman started. “I thought you killed him,” she muttered to the man boar. “I thought I did, but now I’ll have the pleasure of chewing him to bits part by part,” he snarled. He ran at Raze. Raze tried to jump out of the way, but it’s tail wrapped around his neck and started to squeeze. “Run him through!” he shouted to the women boar. The woman ran at him and lowered her head. Raze struggled, but it was useless. He was about to give up when an idea hit him. He bent his head and chomped down hard on the boar’s tail. He roared and dropped Raze, who rolled out of the way. At that moment, the woman threw her head up and her tusks went through the man’s neck and out of his skull.

He didn’t even twitch before he died. Blood splattered across the woman’s face. Her eyes grew big. She slowly lowered him to the floor and held his head in her hands. Then she threw her head back and let loose one of the most terrifying roars Raze had ever heard. The woman jumped up, eyes ablaze. She charged at Raze and once again, he tried to jump out of the way, but she threw her head side ways, catching him in the lower left part of his stomach. Pain shot through Raze as the boar women threw him across the floor. Blood spilled out onto the floor as he pushed himself back up. The boar women charge him again. Raze waited and then right before she got him, he rolled to the side. As he did pain shot through him again, making him stop. The woman kept going and smashed into the wall. She started to pull herself out of the wall, but her tusks snagged in the wall. Raze quickly got up and ran at her. He jumped on her and stuck both thumbs in both eyes.
Blood and pus shot out of her eyes and she roared in pain. She shook Raze from her back and tore her tusks from the wall. Raze sat against the wall breathing heavily. Now that she was blinded, killing it should be easy. He closed his eyes and when he opened them, the boar woman was facing towards him. Raze stiffened, hoping that he really had blinded her. The thing turned to the left, then the right, and then charged right at him. Raze froze for a millisecond. How would he get out of the way. Then, out of desperation, he dropped all the way to the floor and rolled towards the boar. He felt a sharp stab of pain as her clawed feet sank into his side, but his goal was accomplished. The boar women fell over him and he quickly got up and went back against the wall. The boar jumped up and charged him again, but this time Raze was able to jump to the side and avoid it. “How does she know where I am?” he wondered. Then the answer hit him. She could smell the blood. She turned and jumped at him. Raze tensed himself and was about to jump when he grew dizzy. He fell to his knees and looked down. Blood was all over his torso and him jumping around wasn’t helping. He looked up, but it was too late. The boar slammed into his side.
Raze hit the wall and stayed there. He was extremely dizzy and the pain paralyzed him. The boar walked up to him and grabbed him. She lifted him up opened her mouth and dropped him in. The boar tried to close it’s mouth, but couldn’t. Raze had pressed each hand against the opposite sides of the boars mouth keeping them from closing. Raze screamed as the teeth began to sink into his hands. He got his legs and shoved both of them into the boars throat. The boar desperately tried to swallow, but couldn’t. The jaws started to close despite Raze’s best efforts to stop it. The boar used it’s tail to grab Raze and lift him up out of it’s mouth. It threw Raze into a nearby console and took several deep breathes. Then it turned and charged. And hit a console instead of it’s target. Electricity shot through her body and finally killed her. This shut down the machine, releasing all of the kids. They fell of their machine and hit the ground. The boar’s body stopped moving and was still. Raze walked up to it’s body and admired his handy work. While the boar had been taking those breaths, he had been smearing his own blood on the front of the console and when she charged, he ran out of the way. She never stood a chance. Raze grew dizzy and fell to the ground. Raze had passed out.
When he woke up, he in what appeared to be a nurse’s office. A girl dressed in a nurse outfit was sitting on him, looking at him. Raze slowly sat up, looking back at her. “Good, your up,” she said. “Where am I?” Raze asked her. She looked at him and said, “At the real hotel,” she said. “Your to report to the office immediately, although in my personal opinion, you should rest more.” “I’ve never seen someone live after losing so much blood and taking so many injuries.” Raze looked down at himself and he realized that he quite a few bandages on his body. Bandages were wrapped around his body. He gingerly touched the injury that had been caused by the boar’s tusk and grimaced. It still hurt pretty bad. He slowly got out of bed and the nurse tried to help him, but he insisted on walking by himself. She showed him to the office and he went in. The first thing that he noticed was that all eight people were there and perfectly fine. The next thing he noticed was that the person sitting behind the desk wasn’t human.
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