‹ Prequel: The Taste Of Chocolate
Status: Sequel to The Taste Of Chocolate. You do not have to read the prequel first!

Fictional Memories


I walked up to the front door with Mrs. Combs flowers in one hand. I rang the doorbell and she opened the door. “Ecco il vostro fiori Mrs. Favi.” (Here are your flowers Mrs. Combs.)
She smiled and I handed her the vase full of her arrangement of flowers. “Grazie tante!” (Thank you so much!) I smiled, waved and left for the car. “Park?!” Ethan yelled right when I got in the car.

“Yes my dear park.” His smile never faded, not even once. “Today is a really good day.” Julian said getting all of the stuff in the back. “Come here little man.” I unbuckled Ethan and pulled him into my arms.
“Let me down Mama!” He pushed away. “Okay, okay.” I kissed his nose the let him down. I helped Julian with the rest of the stuff.

We laid the blue blanket in the grass with the basket on top it so it wouldn’t blow away. I sat down on the blanket and watched as Julian chased Ethan around the big green park. “Be careful!” I called out.
Ethan had his dad’s smile and my eyes. Julian then swooped Ethan up, pushing him towards the sky. “Mommy I’m flying!” Laughing something caught my eye by the rich green bushes.

It was the boy from this morning! He disappeared into the bushes. “Honey I’ll be right back!” Julian nodded and I ran towards the bushes. “Hello?” I called out making me sound insane.
“I saw you this morning. Are you okay?” My question was answered when I found his dead body on the ground covered with bugs. He looked exactly how I saw him earlier. “Ah!!!!!”

“Ammenda. Racconto una volta di più.” (Fine. I’ll tell you one more time.) The sun started to set behind the darkening sky. “Ero seduto giù e guardai e pensavo vide qualcosa.” (I was sitting down and I looked over and thought I saw something.) I decided not to tell them about the boy I saw walking.
“Ho seguito nei cespugli e allora che ho trovato il corpo.” (I followed it into the bushes and that's where I found the body.) The cop gave me a weird look. “Terremo in contatto. La ringrazio per il tuo tempo.” (We'll keep in touch. Thank you for your time.)

The cop shut his little note pad and left for his car. “You okay honey?” Julian rubbed my shoulder as he held a sleeping Ethan in his arms. “As fine as I can get.” We walked back to the car.
“Sorry about today.” Julian shook his head. “You couldn’t help it.” Julian set Ethan in his seat and buckled him up. I got in followed by Julian. “Are you sure you’re okay?” I shook my head no. “I’ll tell you when we get home.”

I held Ethan in my arms as Julian unlocked the door. I managed to slip Ethan in and out of his clothes to pajamas without waking up him. “He really is fast asleep.” Julian came in and put a hand on my shoulder.
We tucked Ethan into his bed. Left the door open, turned on his night light and went into our bedroom. “I saw someone leading me to the body.” I hesitated. “Who?” Julian said as he took off his shirt.

“The dead boy.” I was waiting for Julian to burst out laughing or put me in a mental institution. “As in Six Sense?” I nodded taking my skirt off. “Are you sure?” I nodded. “Yes I’m sure.”
“I saw him when we were leaving our neighborhood too.” Julian took his pants off. “Did he look dead?” I nodded taking my shirt off. “He looked exactly the same as he did when I found him.”

“The only difference was that he acted alive.” I put one of Julian’s shirts on. “I think I’m going insane.” I sighed. Julian grabbed me and pulled me to him. “Even if you were going insane I would still follow you anywhere.”
He kissed my neck. “Even if you found a perfectly sane woman?” He laughed putting on his grey pajama pants. “Yes because you’re the only one for me.” I brushed my teeth and climbed into bed.

Julian did the same then cuddle me into his arms. “I will always believe you. I will never lie to you and I will always love you.” He kissed me on the back of the neck, his arms still wrapped around me.
“I love you.” I took a deep breath. “And I love you.” My eyes started to feel heavy like somebody was pushing them down.
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OMO! I'm so sorry for the long wait! gah!

Comment or discontinuation.

Enjoy! X3