Sometimes the Right Decision and the Hardest Decision Are the Same Thing

Was It An Accident?

"Later dudes." he slurred, smashing his empty flask against the cement wall that lined his buddy's house. He stumbled down the sidewalk, thinking over if he really wanted to do what he was about to do.
He came to the conclusion that it would benefit everyone if he got rid of the mighty headache that had been taunting him for days.
A newspaper flew across his path, stopping at his converse, he picked it up and was surprised to read that it was Sunday, January 27th; last he remembered it was the 20th. He had spent his while week getting high, drinking, and sleeping with hot girls.

Pacing in the hospitals lobby wasn't what she would call fun by any means. In fact, it was the most terrifying experience- scratch that, second most terrifying experience in her life, the first was witnessing the event.
"Excuse me, mam?" a man in a blue uniform spoke to her calmly.

"Yes?" she replied.

"Good afternoon, I'm officer Wilson, are you Ms. Lions?" the man in blue spoke again.

"That would be me." she nodded, not enjoying his demeanor. This officer Wilson seemed pretentious, standing tall and proud, puffing his chest out like he was one of those weird birds.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Officer Wilson asked.

"Not really, its all fuzzy in my head right now. But I'm sure later I'll have everything sorted out." she explained, knowing that the police department wouldn't have left her alone until she agreed to fill out an accident report. "Have you spoken to the suicidal maniac?"

"Sorry Ms, I'm not at liberty to discuss the investigation." Wilson muttered as he closed his notepad.

"There's an investigation? Is he allowed visitors?" She spat, she didn't think an investigation was necessary. But what did she know?

She wanted to beat him with a baseball bat, if she would be honest with herself. Instead, she kept saying she was only interested in his well being.

"I'm pretty sure he is. He walked away with a cut and a hurt leg, here's my card." With that, officer Wilson left her standing in the hospital lobby.

He swung his bare leg back and forth, every now and then slamming it on the gurneys bedpost, which would cause him to mumble "ow" more out of boredom than pain.
When she shuffled into his room, he almost had a heart attack. She was so gorgeous, with a warm complexion and honey eyes. It had distracted him from screaming in frustration earlier when he found himself underneath her.
He didn't know exactly what to tell her. Should he introduce himself? Should he apologize for ruining her day, thank her for saving his life? Or tell her what compelled him to step out in front of a bus cruising a solid 65 mph? Perhaps, since he was still buzzed, he should let her do the talking.

He followed her movements perfectly. She said nothing as she headed to the round table in the corner that was home to a couple 'Family Living' magazines. She sat down, crossing her legs and opening the top edition. He sent her a puzzled look, although she obviously didn't catch it.
For 10 minutes she ignored him, pretending she was sharing the room with an empty bed. Finally, he had had enough.
"What do you want?"
She raised her eyes to his, staring intently. The sudden spotlight made him uncomfortable, so he looked away.

"Nothing. I'm here to babysit you." she replied, bringing her attention to his leg, "Is it broken?"

"Babysit? I don't need a babysitter!" he scoffed, offended. A full grown man needed no one.

"Apparently you do if you jump out in front of buses." she snorted.

"Hey! It's not my fault you decided to be heroic and save me." She laughed cruelly and slapped her knee.

"I wasn't saving you, I was saving the people on the bus. I could care less if you live or die."

"You didn't do a good job then Superwoman, that little boy died." She frowned and tears formed in her eyes, "Sorry, that was rude."

"Don't apologize to me, you killed him." She got up and handed me a check.

"What the hell?" he cursed.

"Send flowers to his family, Im sure his mom wants to kill you more than I do." he rolled his eyes, "It's the least you can do." When she said that, the discomfort in his leg increased, and he knew she was right about everything.

"Okay." he sighed, defeated.

"Good." he watched her walk to the door.

"By the way, my name is-" he began.

"I know who you are." She interrupted, "Next time, do it like everyone else please. All this creative bull is stupid."
And then she was gone.