Sometimes the Right Decision and the Hardest Decision Are the Same Thing



It wasn't like him to have nightmares. So when he began having them every night, it worried him. The first time it happened, he woke up screaming. This caused him such panic that he fumbled to put pants on and ran outside. The brisk air stung his nostrils, but rid his body of the need to puke.
Why couldn't he have a normal nightmare where monsters chase him or one where he was naked on the stage? Why did it have to be her face? Why did his mind bring up what happened over and over again?
He took a deep breath and returned to the cozy sanctuary that was his bed and slept until his pals poured ice down his pants.

"We have to get to Texas, we leave in 10." they informed.


She surfed through channels for awhile, pondering over his concert the other night. He had gone off with some bimbo. She had sat there and kept the bus under surveillance for an hour. She knew what he was doing- he had returned to his old habits without hesitation, she had no idea why it surprised her the way it did. Could it be because they had shared so many nights cuddling? Was it because he had promised to love her forever through a plethora of songs and poems? Maybe it was because this path was not one she had seen coming. Whichever option it was, she was sure she would wake up the next morning with her eyes blood-shot and puffy from crying over Frank Iero, again.

*3 years ago- 1 week after suicide attempt*

It was a chipper morning for her, despite all the back and forth she had done since Frank's near death. For some reason, she couldn't stay away from his arrogant, non-guilty attitude for long. Never once did she entertain the idea that she was only visiting because he was famous.
Lucky for her, she had been introduced to the rest of My Chemical Romance, and they seemed extremely appreciative, constantly thanking her and smiling whenever she was at the hospital.

Frank was being held for observation. The doctor had said he wasn't stable enough to return to the outside world, and if he had released him Frank might return to that place again.

"This place he could go to, it's somewhere not even you can save him from." the buff doctor had said.

"Hear that Frank?" she recalled saying, "Only try to kill yourself where I can supervise." That raised a chuckle out of him.

"Roger that Commander." That was the nickname he had decided to use for her since she refused to tell him her actual name. It was a price she was willing to pay.

"Knock knock!" she said, coming in and gasping at the sight of his adorned room, full of flowers and 'get well soon' cards. "Whoa!"

"Most are from my mom. If these were from the girls that have slept with me, they would have to move me to a bigger room." Frank joked. She smacked him on the arm and pulled up a chair.

Usually, the direction their conversations flowed was that of the light-hearted and funny route, but today she had enough courage to ask him the stuff thats been eating at her brain.

"Why?" she asked, running her fingers along the bedsheets.

"Why what?" Frank said, stuffing a spoonful of cherry jell-o in his mouth. She blinked at him blatantly, "Oh, that..."
"Well, I only wanted to stop the pain. There was so much of it, like, none of it ever disappeared-only piled on top and I was sick through with dealing with it. Not to mention I had become a piece of scum.
As a musician and fan of music in general, I wanted to change lives and help others in their conquest to make sense of the world. But, somehow along the way I turned into a cliche rock star that drank, smoked and slept around." Frank paused to sip some water.
"When I jumped out on to the road, I wasn't thinking of the consequences or causing a chain reaction, I was only being selfish and thinking about how amazing it would feel to not have to deal with headaches, publicity, management, and life.
I'm really glad you shoved me out of the way though. If you hadn't, I wouldn't have been able to meet you."

Frank had been gazing out the window while telling his story and hadn't noticed that she had begun crying.
"Whats the matter?"

"I feel like a jerk." she weeped.

"Why?" Frank pried.

"I wanted to smash your face in with a bat when I first came in. I see now you aren't such a horrible guy." He saw her hand was still messing with his bed sheet; he slowly slid his hand over hers and squeezed. She glanced up, confused.

"Thanks for saying that Commander." She giggled a little bit before wiping her eyes. "So now can I ask you a question?"

"Go for it." She waved at him.

"Why do you keep coming back?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay okay okay. So now you know its about the one and only Frank Iero. Im not going to tag my stories with his name. Sorry for those kids who wanted a mystery.