Sometimes the Right Decision and the Hardest Decision Are the Same Thing

Come Back To Texas


It's often heard that bands have one member thats paranoid about, or has a severe phobia of, flying. In My Chemical Romance, they were blessed to not have that handicap. Therefore, the five boys were rather enjoying the high altitude and, much to fellow passengers dismay, were even plotting what would happen if the plane crashed into the precious ground.
Everyone decided Gerard's idea was the most craziest. His was based on the show "Lost" and followed the storyline pretty well, only with less mystery. Ray's was suited the best overall, supporting many of the worlds unsolved. Among what creatures were stranded on an island was Big Foot and the Lochness Monster.

Frank listened on to the immature babble that was pouring out of the mouths of his best friends. He loved these guys, but sometimes they were just too much. At 20 years old, he was beginning to feel like My Chemical Romance wasn't what he wanted in life. He soon let his conscious drift to Catherine. he was always thinking about her, whether it be directly or indirectly. The smallest thing would trigger a memory they shared. Like the song "Hey Jude" by The Beatles reminded him of the time Catherine and him had their first kiss. Whenever he ordered Cake Batter ice cream, he was brought back to all the days he was sick with a sore throat and she tended to him with cartons of it.
He was dying to comb his fingers through Cats soft, suave hair or have her lips against his. No one ever kissed as well as she did, or maybe he was simply biased. Just thinking about how wonderful she felt in Frank's arms, or how her hands seemed to harmonize with his, made him swoon.

The boys met with a producer in Texas at 8:30am. The man bared the name Matt, or so said his name tag that decorated his navy collared shirt. Matt was interested in sending My Chemical Romance in a new direction; down the mainstream route.

"Hell no." they all had shouted, not even being kind enough to offer a 'We'll think about it.'

The next pitch was worse. Their geeky sound technician wanted to edit Gerard's voice and make it techno-ish (think Hellogoodbye's Forest). Frank was beginning to doubt the label's ability to accommodate them the way they should be. But eventually the discussion turned to what the band felt was expected of them from their fans. The company agreed that keeping the same intimate, alternative sound was the safest choice, but not the least bit wise.
Then Matt asked what songs had been written for the next album, at which point crickets could be heard as everyone shifted their view to Frank. He was the main lyric provider, after all, but every since he gave up finding Catherine, nothing had found its way to paper.
Executive producers at the company had a field day with that one, scolding him and promising their imminent failure. Frank didn't appreciate the snide remarks and almost got in a fist fight with some guy; the extremity at which Bob held him back and the threat of being dropped was enough to calm himself down.
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This took a while, and it probably wasn't what you expected, but oh well.
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