Sometimes the Right Decision and the Hardest Decision Are the Same Thing


Five years ago, being a vocalist had brought about many achievements for Catherine. So, when she branched out and started violin, it was no surprise that within months her coach invited her to play at a retirement center in front of hundreds.

That evening, she fidgeted with the hem of her skirt. This was big. Tonight would be the deal breaker: singing or violin?

The chitter-chatter of the audience from behind the red velvet curtains pleased her and terrified her equally. Suddenly, everything was mute as her coach ushered her to the stage and her piece was introduced.

Catherine's hands clammed up and her breathing became shallow. The lights felt extremely nauseating and the microphone overwhelmingly horrific. Yet, like magic, she slid the instrument beneath the left side of her chin and readied her bow. She sucked in one quick breath before plunging into a passionate rendition of Celine Dion's "My Heart Will Go On" with piano accompaniment.

It made her dad proud. It made her grandparents proud, and it made her proud.

Astonishing as it may be, her violin now slept soundly underneath her childhood bed, in her home, beside the keyboard she never mastered and the barely worn Nike's from the sixth grade track team.

Catherine faced her balcony window and viewed the scenery; There was a field of Bluebonnets in her backyard. She pictured the barren yard that it had once been. Her mother had purchased the land to cultivate and construct a vacation home for their family.

Growing up, Catherine watched as it transformed into a place where she could call home every summer for all eternity; but now, it was her permanent residence and she was losing sight of its grandness.

She yearned for something deeper. Having her father serve her everything on a golden platter was irrational. Catherine knew she should be providing for herself at 22. Maybe, Catherine reflected, she should become a student in this fine city of Austin.


Frank crumbled three sheets of paper and tossed them at the wastebasket across the room.

"There's a reason you're a guitarist and not a basketball star, Iero." Ray galloped out of the bathroom and spread himself over Frank's lap.

"Because I'm white?" he joked, abandoning the game.

"Partly." Ray chuckled, patting Frank's cheek and going to his side of the bed, "How are you liking Texas?"

"Less and less every second," Frank grunted, falling back on his pillow.

"You need a muse my good chap," Gerard spoke.

"I've noticed, thanks," he shut his eyes and imagined a beach with hot girls.

The bands manager called Mikey and announced that My Chemical Romance would be playing a show at a local college tomorrow evening.

"Fuck yeah!" Ray celebrated, shaking his hips awkwardly.
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Considering the fact that I haven't written anything for this story in a while, you can expect really slow updates. I'm kind of stuck with where I should go with it. So if you would like to help me, message me please.

Also, a bunch of projects going on right now, so that will also hinder with the updates.