Sometimes the Right Decision and the Hardest Decision Are the Same Thing



Catherine called downstairs and requested Marshall, the "butler", to bring around one of her father's cars. Marshall was not, in fact, a butler, but a family friend that needed a place to stay. So, since her father was such a hospitable guy, he offered him a place to stay in return for someone to do basically nothing around the vacation home.

"Sure Cat, any preference as to which car? Maybe a cruise around town in your father's red Thunderbird?" Marshall whispered when he said the car name.

"How many times do I have to tell you that Im going to drive that thing off a cliff if he doesn't get rid of it soon? And why are you using a British accent?" Catherine vented, looking towards her cat Midnight and holding up a Black dress that would signify she was modern but classy and then a grey tank top partnered with a cute and sassy Hurley skirt which seemed to delight Midnight substantially, "Just bring the VW to the front."

Marshall hesitated to hang up the phone, knowing that Catherine's father would not appreciate the removal of his VW from the garage and being driven on the open road. But, also knowing it was time for him to move on, hung up and did what he was asked.


Frank climbed into the van that was packed with amps, guitars and Bob's drum set. He took a look around at the space and was instantly reminded of the old days. Before they had blown up, before they played on the Vans Warped Tour, and before Catherine left...
Gerard pushed Frank over, mumbling about needing room to stretch.

"Why aren't you driving?" Frank wondered. Usually, Gerard or him drove. And since both were crammed in the back seat, Frank was terrified to think of who was left.

"Mikey is!" Gerard exclaimed, and upon seeing the anxiety enter Frank's face said, "He has gotten better, Alicia promised."

Frank decided to trust Alicia's judgment, since his own wife Jamia, had given them both driving lessons.

And off they went, holding onto whatever their hands landed on, hoping they would reach the college in one piece. And everyone knows how prone they all are to accidents...


Catherine shook the secretary's hand and took the papers over to the table placed delicately in the corner of the small office. She read over all the information they would need and smiled at herself when she realized what she was doing. She was finally moving forward. Away from Frank Iero and her past.

After filling everything out and handing it back in, she decided to take a stroll around the area. For as long as she had been vacationing in Austin, she had never taken the opportunity to seize the day and find out what kind of clubs were around.
Low and behold, the first building she crossed was a club for ages eighteen up. She speculated the "Now Hiring" sign and went for it. Catherine knew the less time she had to spend at the house, the more likely her father was to let her go.

The club had an elegant yet stingy vibe to it. The lights were dim and it took Catherine's eyes a second to adjust. All around her were small tables and each center piece was different. One of them even had a skull. Near the back of the club was a buff man stacking boxes.

"May I help you miss?" his voice was alarmingly deep.

"Um, are you hiring?" Catherine asked nicely, batting her eyelashes. She had a feeling he had all the help he needed on his arms.

"Actually, I am looking for a merch girl, are you good at that?" the man answered, shoving a box full of shirts to the corner.

"Actually, I used to do that all the time for my boyfriends band." Catherine smiled, happy she could find something to do.

"Great! There is a concert here tonight, and the merch will be right where we are standing. My name is Tom, what is yours?"

"I'm Catherine; what band and what time?" Catherine pulled out her mini agenda and wrote down everything he said. She was so hyped to have such luck today. Now she had to return and rummage through her closet for black pants and her old studded belt. Tom had demanded she be here for the sound check so he could run her through the regulations and such.

So now Catherine was pulling her hair up into a bun, wondering if it was time to change the color again since a brown strand had fell on to her purse. When she opened the door, she struck some short boy, "Oh, I'm so sorry."

"It's quite alright...Cat?" Cat froze. It was Frank. Oh no. Was it possible when Tom had told her a band named "Romance" was playing he had meant "My Chemical Romance"?
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Yeah, it was crap. You dont have to tell me. The next chapter I will write in advance, dont worry. That way i can go through it instead of coming up with it on the top of my head. See what happens when i do that?