Status: Hiatus ):

Passenger Seat

27 Dresses

It was morning in the Masters household, something I always dreaded. But today I would be having lunch with Tallulah, so I was excited. I took a shower, and did my hair before getting dressed. I had chosen a plaid button up shirt, a pair of light wash destroyed skinny jeans, and a pair of gray vans. I sat at my vanity, and looked in the mirror. I was right, I had a big bruise covering my eye and most of my cheek. I sighed, and dumped out all the make up I had for cases like this.

I covered my face in foundation, then put a shit ton of concealer around my eye and on my cheek. Once it was covered up enough, I put on mascara on my eyelashes, and a reddish pink lip tint on my lips. I grabbed my aviator glasses, and put them over my eyes, covering up what make up couldn't. I went downstairs, and saw everyone was into the kitchen for breakfast, much to my distaste.

“Hey, what's with the sunglasses? I didn't know the sun came inside the house.” Summer said with a smug smirk. I rolled my eyes and took a piece of bacon and slowly nibbled on it, knowing it would piss off Summer because our mother wouldn't let her eat bacon.

“I got a bruise on my face, nothing too big to worry about sis.” Disdain was dripping from my voice, and she rolled her eyes as well. Brian looked over at me, worry on his features. I shrugged and finished eating the piece of bacon.

“What's on the agenda for today?” I asked, picking up one of the countless numbers of wedding magazines that were lying around.

“Wedding Dress shopping.” I grew wide eyed.

“Okay, have fun with that.” My mother shook her head.

“No, you're coming too. You have to.” I glared at my mother.

“And why is that?”

“You have to come so you can see what dress Summer get so you know what Bridesmaid dress to get.” I groaned.

“Lovely, just lovely.”

“Be happy, be happy for your sister.” I smiled.

“Oh, of course.” I dropped the magazine and went upstairs to my room, and called Tallulah, telling her I would have to push our lunch back to an early dinner, because my sister took forever picking dresses.

Her solution was simple, she could come with me. I agreed to her idea and told her to get ready and get to the hell hole quickly. Once we hung up I went back into the kitchen with a smile on my face.

“What are you so smiley about?” My mother asked, sounding as if me smiling was a heinous crime.

“Tallulah is coming to help out.” My mother groaned, and walked around complaining about how she felt that Tallulah had to do everything with me, hold my hand through everything. Summer didn't seem to mind so much though.

Once Tallulah got there she kissed John on the lips, making me gag a bit as immature as it was. I loved my best friend to death, but seeing her kiss someone on the lips made me sick.

“When are we leaving?” Tallulah asked, standing next to me.

“We're leaving now. Autumn, you can take the Land Rover.” I smiled and caught the keys that my sister had thrown at me.

“What wedding shop are we going too?” I asked, and she shrugged.

“I don't know yet.” I groaned, and followed my mother and sister out into the garage, with Tallulah following behind me. Tallulah and I happily got into the Land Rover, and I started up the engine, and backed out of the garage and waited for my sister and my mother to take lead and let us follow them to whatever wedding shop they pleased.

They finally pulled out of the garage, and lead the way to the first, and hopefully only wedding shop we would be looking at. Once we got out of the car, and I locked up the Land Rover I followed my mother and sister inside, dreading what was about to unfold.

After hours of dreadful, hair ripping dress shopping my sister finally decided on a dress, one that she liked and one that would easily be altered for the shot gun wedding. After that it was time for the dreaded bridesmaid dress shopping. My sisters wedding colors were pink and brown, both colors I hated. So I went with the lesser of two evils, and picked dresses that could be brown. I didn't feel right in any of them, but the lady helping us told me they could be altered to fit my curvacious body. I sighed, and after nixing all of the dresses I had tried on, I found one almost perfect dress.

It was strapless, and hit right above my knees. It was perfect. It almost fit, but they said it could be altered to fit my chest and hips since that caused me some trouble with most of the dresses I had tried on. I left my mother to pay the bill for everything, and Tallulah and I rushed out to the car, and got in, trying to drive away. We made it out of the parking lot right as my mom and sister came out screaming. Tallulah and I laughed, then made our way to a Cold Stone shop.


After eating some yummy ice cream, I dropped Tallulah off at home, then went home myself, dreading to see what was going on. I opened the door, walking in with my head down when I bumped into someone.

“Watch where you're going!” I shouted, only to see Brian standing there.

“Oh, it's just you. Sorry.” His frown turned into a smile, and fast.

“Oh, so you'll yell at anyone else when they bump into you but when it's me it's okay?” He asked, and I glared at him.

“I feel oh so special.” I rolled my eyes and playfully shoved him.

“Hey, is you know who here?” He cocked an eyebrow, then caught on and shook his head.

“No, he's not.” I sighed in relief, nodded.

“Okay, I'm going up to my room.” He nodded, then right as I was going to walk away he grabbed my arm.

“Yes, Brian?” I asked, looking over at him.

“What's that on your face?” I grew wide eyed, and touched my face.

“I don't know, what is it?” He went up to me, and wiped his finger along my chin, near my lips then licked his finger.

“Just some chocolate ice cream, nothing serious.” He smirked, and I rolled my eyes and continued up to my room. I opened the door, then quickly shut it behind me with a relieved sigh. There was always something about being in your own room, in your parents house. Even if you hate your parents, and the house they inhabit, you still always miss your room.

I plopped down onto my bed, using my arms to cover my eyes from the sun beaming in from the open windows. I had dozed off like that, but was woken up when I heard a frantic knock on the door. I groaned, and sat up, rubbing my eyes. I looked at the time, and it was a little after six.

“What?” I called out, sounding annoyed. The door opened, and Tallulah had come in, and looked like she was about to have a heart attack.

“What's wrong Lulah?” She shut the door behind her and rushed over to my bed, and sat down next to me.

“They bailed him out,” I grew wide eyed.

“Who bailed who out?” She sighed.

“Your mom, and Summer. They bailed Jonathan out.” My eyes felt like they were about to pop out of my skull.

“What?!” I screeched, and she shushed me.

“He's not staying here, but they're paying for a hotel for him to stay in.” I sighed, and nodded.

“The police said he couldn't go near you, since he beat you up. But, he's still allowed to come to the house as long as he's not interacting with you.” I cocked an eyebrow.

“That doesn't make sense.”

“Well, let's just say your sister got around for a while.” I gagged, thinking of my sister sleeping with cops for favors.

“Yeah, my thoughts exactly.” She laughed nervously, then put her hand over mine.

“Just be careful, okay?” I nodded, and sighed.
“Want me to stay here tonight?” I nodded, and hugged her tightly.

“An old fashioned slumber party would be awesome.” She smiled wide and told me she was going back to her house to get her things, then left me to set up the slumber party. I went into the old game room that our mother had made for me and my sister when we were growing up, so we could have slumber parties and watch tv and play games and such. It was huge, almost like a second living room but for teenagers. There was a large flat screen, a bunch of gaming systems, a dvd player along with a new bluray player, a karaoke machine, a stereo, a disco ball, and bunch of bean bag chairs along with other furniture. I got out blankets from and pillows from the closet that had been put into the room especially for slumber parties, then set them on the couch before going downstairs to get some food when I saw Jess.

“Hey,” I said as I opened the fridge, scrounging for some junk food.

“Hey Autumn.” She replied, flipping through a magazine.

“Looking for Junk food?” She asked when I shut the fridge in frustration. I nodded, and she smirked.

“I know where your mom hides it.” I grew wide eyed.

“Where?” She curled her finger at me and lead me into another room, which had a smaller fridge, and cabinets full of food.

“How did you find this?” She shrugged.

“I smell junk food from miles away.” I laughed, and looked at her as she was grabbing a pack of oreos.

“Hey, want to have a slumber party with me and Tallulah tonight?” She looked over at me, face full of oreos and eyes full of surprise.

“Sure,” I smiled and told her to go the game room after getting into her jammies, and I started grabbing as much junk food as I could.
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:D I love this update. Comments? (: