Status: Hiatus ):

Passenger Seat

Car Crash Hearts

I had gotten dressed into a pair of shorts, a teal colored tanktop with a black outline drawing of an owl with a black bandeu bra underneath, a black moustache necklace, a pair of black toms, and grabbed a burgandy corduroy purse and filled it with my phone, cigarettes, zippo and everything else I thought I might need. I put my hair up in a low bun, then but a white double headband on my head, and I was ready to go.

Brian and I snuck out of the house quietly, and made our way to the garage and grabbed the keys to the porsche. He put the keys in the ignition, turned them slightly so the engine would turn on, but not make a loud noise. He put the car in neutral, and we began pushing the car out of the garage, out of the driveway, and half way down the street. We laughed the whole time, and once we were far enough away from the house, he started the car completely and we got in, buckled our seatbelts and sped out of the gated community screaming and laughing.

I looked over at Brian with a big smile on my face, then pushed the button for the convertible top to go down. I threw my hands up into the air as we drove, and sat back, closed my eyes and for the first time I felt like I was flying, like I was free. I heard Brian laughing, so I dropped my arms and looked over to him.

"What's so funny?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"You are." I cocked an eyebrow.

"Oh I am huh?" He nodded with a smile on his face, and I shook my head and laughed.

"So, where are we going?" I asked him as we drove through the city.
"You'll see." I groaned.

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Because, it's a surprise!" I rolled my eyes, and looked out of the car and watched as people exited bars and clubs, drunkily walking down the side walks and laughing obnoxiously.
I lied my head back against the headrest and closed my eyes, listening to the sounds of the busy nightlife in the city, and dozed off for a moment or so. But before I knew it Brian was nudging me to wake up.

"What?" I groaned.

"We're here." I sighed and raised my head, then unbuckled my seatbelt and rubbed my eyes.

"Where is here?" I asked, as I opened my eyes. We were at a local tattoo shop.

"Why are we here?" I asked him, and he looked at me with a devious smile. It was then I knew we were getting into some big trouble.


I took a swig from the bottle of Smirnoff, and groaned. I couldn't believe we were going to do this. Brian took off his shirt, and when I saw his abs I thought I was going to start drooling. I had never seen him without his shirt, but now I knew that I needed to see him shirtless more often.

"You're going to regret this tomorrow," I told him. He shook his head.

"Hey, I'm not the one who's getting drunk. Besides, I've wanted to do this for a while." He said with a smile. He was going to get a pair of lipstick lips tattooed on his right pec, I didn't understand his logic.

"But, I need the most perfect lips for this tattoo," He said as he lied back on the table, putting his hands behind his head. I rolled my eyes.

"Autumn, why don't you give them the perfect lips for them to tattoo on my pec?" I nearly choked on the vodka when he told me that, making it burn more than it usually did.

"Why me?" I asked, wiping the excess vodka off the side of my mouth.

"Because I think you've got a good set of lips," I rolled my eyes, and the tattooist came up to me and looked at my lips, then decided it would be easy to trace them if I put some lipstick on and kissed a napkin for him.

"Are you sure you want my lips permanantly tattooed on your chest?" I asked him, and he nodded.

"Fine, give me a damn napkin." I went through my bag, and found my favorite tube of red lipstick, and applied it thickly on my lips, then pressed my lips firmly to the napkin and handed it off to the tattooist to trace.

"This is ridiculous." I muttered to myself, drinking more from the bottle.

"So, what are you going to get?" Brian asked, right as the tattoist came back with the stencil.

"What do you mean by 'what are you going to get'?" I asked him, swinging my legs back and forth.

"I'm not going to be the only one getting a tattoo tonight." I snorted.

"Oh yes you are, I only have one. That's enough for now."

"I'm paying." I rolled my eyes.

"Not giving in." I told him as he was getting tattooed.

"Please? For me?" He asked, pouting his lips. The sight melted my heart, just enough for me to give in.

"Fine, fine. I give up." He smiled victoriously and I began talking to the other tattoo artist about what I wanted. I decided on a tattoo on my foot, so I took off my shoe so he could measure it and start drawing out my desired tattoo.

"Are you going to regret this later, Autumn?" I shook my head.

"No, I don't think so." I sat up on one of the tattooing tables, bending my leg at my knee as I rested my foot firmly against the table. He pressed the stencil against the correct area on my foot, peeled it off and after I told him it was perfect he tattooed me.

I continued to drink to minimize the pain, but even without alcohol getting tattooed wasn't horrible. Brian was done before me, and got bandaged up and sat down next to me, and smiled when he saw what I was getting permanantly inked on my foot.

"I don't think you'll regret this later either, Autumn." I smiled over at him, and he smiled at me and in that moment we locked eyes. Something in that moment just sparked between us, and he quickly pressed his lips to mine, and surprisingly I kissed back, consciously thinking God, I hope I'm not sloppy because of the alcohol,

I don't know how long we kissed, but it ended as soon as the tattooist cleared his throat to tell me he was done. I smiled in approval at him and thanked him, then let him bandage me up.
Brian paid for the both of our tattoos, and I left the bottle of vodka behind and had to have Brian help me into the car, considering I was a little clumsy from all the alcohol.

"How much of that bottle did you drink, Autumn?" He asked, and I giggled.

"I have no clue," I said, my speech being a bit slurred. He sighed, and helped me buckle my seat belt, then in an instant he got in the car and started it up. I pressed the button for the convertible top to go down again, and looked around, and that's when I saw it. A big truck swerving around on the road, getting extremely close to us.

The next thing I remember is seeing bright lights, hearing my name and feeling someone wrap their arms around me tightly, and then everything went black. But it was like I had fallen asleep, stuck in a dream world. And in my dream world, everything was perfect, and nothing hurt. I turned my head, and smiled seeing the man of my dreams, he walked towards me, we embraced, kissed and then he was gone. Everything turned to black once again, but I remained stuck there. I looked down at my barefeet, and saw the tattoo, Happiness is just a step away.
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I really like this (: Even with the ending. Feedback?!