I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream


Chapter 10

Andy's POV

I think I’m going to kill myself… it can’t be just a coincidence, right?

The fact that her name is Sammie and she’s from Scotland and she is same age as my Sammie. It just CAN’T be a coincidence….

I am currently sitting in my room trying to complete that song… not working, at ALL.
I can’t stop think about Sammie and it’s driving me crazy!!

I got up and went to Ash’s and CC’s room, “hey guys I’m going to the park, wanna come?”

“Nah, I think I’ll just stay here,” CC said.

“Yeah me too,” Ashley nodded agreeing with CC.

“Alright suit yourself…” I trailed off then walked out of the room and out of the house.

The walk wasn’t long, when I got there I walked to the first tree I saw, sat down in the shade and pulled out my iPod, I put it on shuffle and The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus’s Angels cry, I sighed in content. i really loved this place, it's peaceful.

I noticed a big mess of white hair on the other side of the park and I got up to take a closer look.

It’s Sammie and she was Derrick and three other boys I didn’t know.

I hid behind a tree 5 feet away from them, I know it’s risky but I wanted to know what they were talking about.

I took my ear buds out and listened their conversation.

“I still can’t believe you guys live next to Andy fucking Beirsack’s house!!” the guy with the black hair stated.

“but I don’t understand you didn’t tell us before,” the blond said, pouting.

“seriously, he is the hottest guy I ever laid eyes on,” the guy with the blue bangs said and I smirked.

“well I kinda wanted to keep it a surprise,” Sammie smiled sheepishly. Derrick laughed, so did the others.

They stood up and came towards the tree i was behind, I panicked.

shit shit shit shiiiiiit I thought and I hugged the tree like my life depends on it. but because I have bad luck, it didn’t work.

“Andy?” Sammie asked.

I let go of the tree slowly, and looked at her, “hi” I grinned.

“Oh my GOD,” the blue bangs guy screamed then jumped on me, and we both went down to the ground, with him on top of me.

He moved a little so that I can breathe, “are you really Andy six?”

“yeah, it’s nice to meet you…” I trailed off because I was clueless of their names.

“oh sorry,” He got up and introduced himself and the two guys behind him, “I’m Reuben, and these are Alex and Max” he pointed at the blond then the dark haired guy.

“it’s nice to meet you guys, I’m Andy” I offered my hand to shake and they did.

“are the rest of your band with you?” the blond, Alex, asked.

“yeah, well Ashley and CC are, but they are at my house” I replied smiling, “do you guys wanna meet them?”

“yes!! Ashley is my idol!” he all but screamed, I laughed.

“well okay then, come on”

We walked to my house and had a laugh, they are nice people.

We soon arrived at my house, “here we are guys”

Sammie came up to me, “can I have a piggy back ride?” she asked me with puppy dog eyes that looked too familiar.

I laughed, “sure hop on,” I lowered myself so that she can reach up to me.

“Alright!!” I yelled and ran inside with Sammie on my back and the guys behind me, they were all laughing, so was Sammie.

I ran into the living room where my mom and dad are watching TV, “hey guys, where are Ash and CC?”I asked while Sammie was waving at them frantically. The guys were still laughing in the background.

“hey Andy, Sammie, derrick,” my dad said smiling, “who are your friends?”

Sammie laughed, wiggling around trying to get comfortable then spoke, “those are Alex, Max and Reuben” pointing at each person.

“nice to meet you, boys. I’m Amy, Andy’s mom” she got up to shake hands with all of them.

“And I’m Chris or you could call me Brock, either way is fine,” he said smiling then shook their hands.

“alright, are we done with the introductions now?”I said.

“Andy don’t be rude,” my mother scolded.

“jeez, sorry but I asked a question like five minutes ago and you haven’t answered me yet,”

“you did?” my dad asked while looking at me trying to remember.


“oh, Ashley and CC? they are in the backyard” mom said.

“thank you,” I said then ran out to my next destination, the backyard, but when I got to the door
that leads outside, I stopped and turned towards the other guys.

“okay, do you guys wanna freak them out?” I asked smirking.

“fuck yeah!” derrick exclaimed, the others including Sammie were nodding like they were
have a spaz attack.

“alright, go get water bottles from the kitchen and I’ll ask mom for my water guns,” everyone were smiling evilly at me.

“go!” I ordered, then put Sammie down, “go help them.”

She nodded then ran after them.

I went to the living room where my mom was, “what didn’t find them there?” dad asked.

“oh, they’re there” I smirked then looked at my mom, “mom where do keep my water guns?”
“in the closet in the hall, why?”

“oh just some fun,” I grinned.

“I really wanna see this,” my dad laughed. My mom frowned, she was never for violence.

I ran to the closet and found my 2 water guns and went to the kitchen and started filling them with water.

Everyone was waiting for me, smirking and grinning like idiots. I loved these guys, they are awesome.

I was done filling them so I moved out of the kitchen and motion for the guys to follow me.

I got to the back door and looked out to make sure that they are still there, which they are of course.

I turned to my new friends and smirked, “you guess ready?”

They nodded enthusiastically.

I slid the door slowly as to not make any noise.

“RAWWWR!!!” I screamed then ran out…
♠ ♠ ♠
OMG will they get WET?!! (that's what she said, hahaha)
cliff hanger!! well sorta xD
anyways i'm really sorry that it took so long to come out but i hope this and THIS would make up for this :)) i fucking LOVE lollipops!!

-Amy :3