I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

This is how you remind me of what I really am.

After Andy screamed all the guys ran outside – I stayed at the door with Amy and Brock to watch - towards CC and Ashley. Andy and Reuben were the ones wit the water guns so the attacked them with the water, Ashley and CC yelled in surprise, jumped up and spun around to face us. The looks on their faces were priceless. I was laughing so hard that I had to hold onto the door frame so I wouldn't fall, all hell had broke loose and the guys were all attacking each other with water. Ashley somehow had managed to get the garden hose and was using that to soak everyone. I couldn't find Andy though.

After a while the guys all stopped with the water fight and sat down on the chairs that were in Brock and Amy's back door. Andy had reappeared and was sitting in one of the chairs, looking bone dry and that's when it hit me. I smirked and sneaked back inside, picked up a basin and filled it up with freezing cold water. Brock saw what I was doing and stopped himself from laughing. I slowly and carefully made my way outside, toward Andy. The guys saw what I was doing and I mouthed the words Don't say anything to them. I saw Andy pull out his lighter about to light one of his cancer sticks when I turned the basin upside down and dumped the water over him.

“FUCK ME! HOLFY SHIT!” He screamed and shot up from his seat, he spun around and looked down at me. I smiled innocently up at him while everyone else just laughed. Paybacks a mother fucker isn't it Andy? I thought in my mind. Sure I was joking with him earlier but that's because I'm fucking with his head like he did with me. I had to resist the urge to laugh, Andy's fringe was stuck to his face because of the water and his eye-liner was running.

“Run.” Was all he said. I dropped the basin when I saw the look on his face and started running to get away from him. I didn't get very far when I felt his arms wrap around my waist. Damn him and his 6ft 2” stature! I thought. Andy spun me around, my back crushed against his chest, I started to wriggle trying to get free.

“Let me go Andy!” I shouted. I could hear the guys and Amy laughing.

“Nope! This is payback for soaking me!” He said, spinning us around. He placed me back on the ground but kept a grip on my hips and then he shook his wet fucking hair and got me even more wet. He then let me go and grinned down at me.

“There now I can let you go.” He said. I poked my tongue out at him and pushed passed him, the guys all laughed and I couldn't help but join in. We all went back inside, our clothes dripping wet and soaking the floor. Amy just shook her head at us and ordered all of us upstairs. I reluctantly made my way up there and stood awkwardly not knowing what to do. Andy walked over and handed me a few towels.

“Here, you take the shower in my bedroom, I'll give you some clothes to wear until your own ones are dry.” I tried to protest but he wouldn't listen, he led me to his bedroom and pointed to his en-suite. I nodded and went inside, closed the door and started up the shower.


After the long, hot shower I had, I steeped out of the shower after turning it off and wrapped a towel around my body and another around my hair, almost like a turban. I picked up all of my soaking clothes off of the floor and stepped outside. I wiped the steam off of the mirror and looked at my reflection. No wonder he never liked you Sammie I thought to myself. I shook my head, walked over to the door and opened it, a pale blush spread across my cheeks when I saw Andy was in the room sitting on his bed.

“Erm... I got you one of my t-shirts and a pair of my boxers to wear.” I nodded and looked at what he was holding. In his hands were a KISS t-shirt and a pair of Batman boxers. I smiled wide when I saw them.

“Just as well they're Batman and not Spiderman or Superman or I'd have to punch you in the jugular, take your jugular and then eat it for sustenance.” A look of pain flashed across his face and that's when I remembered that old me had said that and we used to say it all the time, just like that one time in his vlog. He nodded and placed the clothes on the bed, he took my wet ones out of my hands and gestured to the clothes on the bed.

“Go put them on, I'll get my mom to dry these.” I nodded my head, picked up the clothes and went back into the bathroom. I quickly slipped on the clothes and breathed deeply, taking in his scent. He still smelled the same. I took the towel off from around my hair and towel dried my hair, I picked up one of Andy's brushes and ran it through my hair. When I was finished I put down the brush and I looked at my reflection once again. I crossed my arms when I saw the pale, silver scars covering my arms. I frowned when I realised I had no way of hiding them because Andy hadn't given me a long sleeved shirt. I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at the door.

“Sammie? You ready?” I gave myself one last look in the mirror and opened the door to Andy.

“Does it really take you that long to just change into shorts and t-shirt?” He asked and chuckled. That's when I realised that Andy had obviously been for a shower and changed. I shrugged and stepped around him, I heard him laugh at me and I resisted the urge to turn and stick my tongue out at him. I reached the door to his bedroom and grasped the handle, then one of Andy's strong hands clasped around my wrist. I froze at the contact. He gently but firmly pried my hand off of the handle when I wouldn't let it go and turned my arm around. I heard his sharp intake of breath and kept my eyes cast down.

Here's another reason why you will never love me if you found out that I'm the Sammie you knew I thought to myself. I felt Andy's index finger on his free hand trace the scars on my arm, then it was under my chin, turning and tilting my head so that my lilac eyes came into contact with his penetrating ice blue ones.

“Why did you do it Sammie? Why did you cut yourself?” I could hear the desperation leak into his voice. I shook my head willing myself not to cry but a few stray tears ran down my cheeks.

“Why the fuck would you do this to yourself?”
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Hey guys!
What did you think?
Chapter title: Nickelback - How You Remind Me
The clothes Andy gave her: outfit
Your turn Amy! :)