I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

Cause if I wanted to go I would have gone by now

Needless to say I was in pain and covered in bruises for the next couple of days, the reason why? When Andy picked me up the day after the incident in my bathroom, he took me paintballing. Ow. Those little balls with paint in them fucking hurt when they hit you. But I couldn't help but smile when I thought back to that day.

- Flashback -

We had just gotten back from paintballing and Andy was dropping me off but instead of going straight next door, he walked me to my front door. It was incredibly sweet of him.

"So I uh- had a great time, despite all the bumps and bruises I'll now have..." I said and smiled a little. I heard Andy chuckle and I peeked up at him through my lashes.

"So did I Sammie, so did I. We should hang out more, just the two of us." He said and blue eyes sparkled. I nodded and smiled a little.

"Yeah, I'd like that." I agreed.

"Me too. I guess I'll be going but I'll see you later, yeah?" He said and I nodded.

"Okay, see you later, Andy." I turned to open the front door but I felt Andy's large hand grab onto my right wrist and tugged at it until I turned around. I looked up at him curiously but before I could say anything, he leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek, just at the corner of my mouth. I gasped quietly and kept my gaze steadily on Andy's chest when he stood back up to his full height.

"Yeah, see you later" I heard him say. I quickly stepped in the house and saw my brother staring at me curiously.

"Why are you blushing?" I looked at him wide eyed and shook my head.

"Shut up, I'm not blushing!" I said and rushed passed him and made my way up to my room

- End Flashback -

Sighing softly, I walked downstairs clad in a pair of shorts, a black tanktop, a Batman hoodie, shorts and black, knee length socks. When I walked into the livingroom, I stopped short when I saw all the guys and Sandra resident in the room with drinks and popcorn. What the...?

"Sammie, you're here! I was just about to come get you, the guys are all staying the night. We're going to watch horror films and pig out, you up for it?" Derrick asked. I jumped in shock when I heard his voice from behind me. I scanned the room unconsciously and locked eyes with Andy. Nodding my head and letting out a small 'Uhu' at my brother, I walked over and sat down on the seat next to Andy that was free.

"I saved this seat for you." He said and I saw a small blush grace his cheeks. I smiled softly quickly looked around and when I saws no one looking, I kissed his cheek.

"Thanks." I smiled and curled up. They all had chosen The Woman In Black to watch first so I got comfy and started to pay attention to the film when it came up on the tv screen. I tried my hardest not to look at Andy or lose focus, it was hard, especially when he wrapped his arm around my shoulders pulling me close to him. When I realised there was no use in fighting, I curled up next to him, laid my head on his shoulder and continued to watch the movie.

Fuck. I thought. I'm falling for him all over again
♠ ♠ ♠
I know it's been a long time but I've been really busy and I've had major writer's block.

I know it's short but forgive me?

Her outfit

Your turn Amy!