I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

Flashbacks Never End

Chapter 4

Andy’s POV

The day that Sammie left.

It was horrible; I remember it like it was yesterday…


I had given the CD with the song to Sammie, so that she would listen to it and tell me she thought about it, that was last night, she still didn’t give a word about it…

The song’s name was the mortician’s daughter and what Sammie doesn’t know is that it’s about her and not Scout, but I really hope she does think it’s about her. That would save me so much trouble...

It’s 9 am and scout is coming over. I didn’t invite her over (believe me) she invited herself. I really wanted to hang out with Sammie today and not scout but the girl insisted.

I really want to break up with scout, so that I can make Sammie my girlfriend, which is practically impossible with Scout around.


“come in scout,” I sighed, I know it’s her because she invites herself into my house without knocking the front door too.

“hello boyfriend” she said with venom and fake enthusiasm, oh boy…

“hey, scout” I smiled, even though I felt like vomiting my breakfast, “how are you?”

I was afraid of the answer but I had to ask her.

“how am I?” she scoffed, oh god, “you would know how I am if would hang out with me more”

“come on baby, calm down and tell me what’s wrong” I said trying to reason with her, while I took her hand in mine, I really didn’t want to do this.

“What's wrong? What's wrong Andy? I'll tell you what's wrong. That little, fat bitch that's staying here for the summer that's what." That really stung…

“Don't call her that Scout, she's not fat and she's not a bitch. What's so bad about her?”I asked getting a little angry, trying not to show it.

“Why not huh? She is! She's a useless little brat that I can't stand! She follows you around like a little lost puppy and frankly I'm sick of it! I don't even know why you wanted her to stay here. She's a kid Andy." She screamed.

“Scout will you keep it down! She's just along the hall and she could hear you." I hissed at her, I didn’t want her talking about her like that, "She follows me around because she's not from here Scout, she's from Scotland and this is her first time ever in a different country, besides she doesn't follow me, I take her out so she can see what Ohio is like. She may be a kid, but she's a kid with awesome music taste, she speaks her mind and unlike people over here she doesn't judge me by the way I look, hell she dresses like I do!” I ranted my heart out and I didn’t say anything but the truth.

“So fucking what Andy! Now that she's here you hardly spend time with me and when I want to go out with you it's always 'Oh I can't I promised Sammie I'd take her to Hot Topic' or 'I can't I'm letting Sammie hear a new song I came up with' you don't spend time with me anymore Andy! You used to let me hear your new songs but now that, that little cow is here it's all about her!"she yelled even more, I can’t take it.

“Scout that's because she's only going to be here for the summer and then she'll be gone, back to Scotland and you won’t ever see her again” I replied, annoyed and angry, I tried really hard not to show it.

“I don't care about that Andy! I'm sick of you ignoring me and I'm sick of her! It's either me, or her!" She yelled back. Is this girl fucking serious?!

“Scout really? You're making me choose?" I asked, afraid of the answer.

“Yes Andy it's me your girlfriend or that little brat from Scotland that will always be ugly and no one loves. She may understand you but not the way I do." She said using an innocent voice.
"I mean come on, you're only friends with her because you feel sorry for her right?”

I want to say Sammie…but if I do that scout will make sure I never sing again. “I choose you…” I said in really low voice, I couldn't’t say it any higher.

"What was that Andy? I never heard you." She said with that voice of her’s.

“I said, I choose you Scout, my girlfriend, you're right. She means nothing to me, she's just a little girl who I'm only friends with because I feel sorry for her." I said, trying to restrain a scream, because those words hurt more than anything.

“See that wasn't so hard now was it?" she said with a happy tone, I felt like punching her…"Now when I'm gone you're going to tell her you want her to leave and go back to where she came from right?" she continued.

“yeah ill do that babe,”

We kissed.

“drop me off?” she asked, I nodded.

She kissed me again and went out of the door.

I walked down the hall to Sammie’s room to tell her that I’ll be back after I drop scout off.

I knocked lightly on the door, “Princess? Can I come in?"

No reply. She’s probably still sleeping.

I opened the door slowly trying not to make any noise and walked in. her back was to me.

“Princess?” I asked.

I walked to her dresser where a notepad was laying and scribbled down a little note saying

'Taking Scout home, I'll be back soon. Text me if you need me. - Drew'

“princess?” I asked once more, checking if she’s awake, but she’s not.

I walked out of the room. And out of the house to my car where scout was waiting.

I gave a fake smile and asked, “ready?”

She nodded.

The car ride was quite and non eventful.

When I got back to my house, I went straight to Sammie’s room, hoping she would be awake.

But what I saw, when I walked in to the room made want to crawl into a big black hole and die in it.

All her things were gone, her clothes, her makeup, everything.

I saw a note and the CD on the bed, I walked towards the bed took the CD and the note.

There was something written on the CD case with a red sharpie, I read it. ‘Amazing song, she's going to love it Andy.’ great, she thought it was about Scout, not her.

I opened the note. It was a letter…

Dear Drew,
I’m sorry I didn't say good bye but I can’t stay any longer. I heard everything that was going on this morning and now that I know that I don’t mean anything to you, I have decided to leave, and you won’t see me for a very long time.


That letter hurt me more than anything but I kept it anyway because it’s the only thing she left. I’m hoping to see her, but I really doubt it. I thought of going to Scotland to look for her but I don’t think that will help at all.

“dude, you alright?”Ashley asked, I nodded.

“yeah, I’m fine.”
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Hi guys!! I'm Amy, Sammie's new co-writer *cheering and screaming* thank you thank you. :D

-Amy :3