I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream


Chapter 6

Andy’s POV

Ashley, CC and I were going to my parents place for Halloween. Jinxx is going to spend his time with Sammi, Jake was going to visit Trixy, his dog, then he’s going to his parents.
We were in the airport right now and we were VERY bored. Jake was playing his guitar softly and Jinxx decided to join him 3 minutes ago, CC was reading a book, Ashley was checking girls out (how typical of him?) and I was bored out of my mind! I texted Sandra a couple of times, she told me that she was going to visit us when we get to Cincinnati, I called dad and told that we were at the airport…waiting.

After 2 minutes, I got really bored, so I stood up and joined Jake and Jinxx. I listened to what they were playing, but I didn’t recognize what it was.

“what are you guys playing?” I asked, sitting on the floor in front of them.

“we are making a new tune for the new album,” Jinxx said and Jake smiled nodding, my grin was huge.

I sat listening intently for a while, then Ashley got bored (don’t know how) so he joined us with his bass, and then started playing.

Apparently our playing got CC’s attention so he joined, getting his drum sticks and started beating a rhythm on his shoe, floor and chairs.

I got my note pad out and listened to the music around me and started writing.

This went on for about 10 minutes, I wrote the chorus and a verse, then the intercom announced the flight to LA, that’s Jake’s and Jinxx’s flight.

I got up and man hugged them, so did CC and Ash, then they were off.

“how much did you write?” CC asked nodding towards the note pad.

“the chorus and a verse,” I answered him, smiling, “do you still remember the beat?”
He nodded, “yeah, I’m gonna write them down now”

“what about you, Ash?”

He nodded, shuffling through his bag pack “ yeah but I can’t find my book!” he said with a panic, then his phone rang, “It’s Jinxx?” he said confused, then answered.

“hello?” he asked, then put it on speaker.

“Dude! Why is your book in my bag?” he scream-whispered.

“Oh Thank god, I thought I lost it,” Ash sighed with relief

“yeah, well I have it” Jinxx said “I’ll keep it with me until we see each other,”

“thanks man,” Ash said.

“sure thing, man. By the way, is Andy there? I need to speak with him,” he said.

“Yeah I’m here, what’s up?”I asked

“Well, Jake and I were talking and we were thinking that maybe we could record the song at the studio and we could release it as a single before the new album is out…what do you think?” he said, and I smiled, all five of us have the same mind.

“I was actually thinking the same thing, so yeah!” I replied grinning.

“That’s a great idea” CC and Ash practically yelled while grinning. I laughed.

The intercom called our flight.

“Jinxx, we are gonna board the plane, so we will talk to you later,” CC said.

“alright, I’ll talk to you guys later,”

“Bye,” all three of us said. I heard him laugh then the line was cut.


The plane was landing! FINALLY!!

I finally get to see my parents. My parents that I haven’t seen in nearly 4 months… I miss them.

Ashley, CC and I grabbed out bags and got through security. Out, in the waiting area, a lot of people, and I mean A LOT, were waiting for us with banners, CDs, T-shirts for the band to sign.

Good thing I gave mom and dad 2 sentences to write on a banner, so we would know where to find them.

We started to sign stuff, take pictures, etc. then I saw the banners I was looking for. The first one said, “WELCOME HOME, LIGHTENING THUNDERSTEIN UHHH” and the second one read, “BATMAN FTW” I smiled and nudged the guys, pointing towards the banners. They laughed.

We waved at the crowd and headed to the banners. When I saw mom I dropped my bag and ran towards her giving her a bear hug. “I missed you, mom” I said not letting go.

The guys were man- hugging my dad.

“I missed you too, but I can’t breathe,” she said trying to catch her breath.

“heh, sorry,” I let go and hugged dad.

“I missed you, dad,” I said.” I missed you too, son” he smiled.

CC and Ash hugged my mom. I smiled.

“alright lets go home!” my dad said loud enough for us to hear.

We grabbed our bags and went to the car. It’s not a very long drive home so I decided to have a little conversation with mom.

“hey mom is there anything new in town?” I asked, “anything interesting? Like an arcade? Something?”

“not that I know of… oh wait, I think there is a music store opening up next week end,” she said, then she smiled, “we do have new neighbors that moved in about 4 months ago…”

“they have kids that are fans of yours,” dad interrupted.

“is one of those kids, a hot chick that is older than 18 years old?” Ashley asked, now exited.

“actually the chick is 17 years old,” my mom smiled innocently, ash’s face fell, CC laughed, dad tried really hard not to laugh, and I was laughing hysterically.

“where did they move from?” I asked still laughing.

“Scotland…” my laughing stopped, so did everyone’s.

“awesome, I always wanted to go there,” I said with the fakest smile I had ever tried on and it seemed to work.

Everyone started to chat and I just sunk into my seat.

I got out of the car and grabbed my bags and said “come on guys let me show where you will be staying,”

“alright,” CC yelled, the neighbor’s dog barked.

We went inside and I ran up stairs and CC and Ash were trying to catch up.

I got to my room and dropped my bags at the foot of my bed, “this is my room,”

“well isn’t this place just dark…”CC commented, then turned on the lights.

I laughed, So did CC and Ash smirked.

“Come on I’ll show you where you’ll be staying for the next 3 weeks,”

I walked down the hall to the guest room, where ‘she’ was staying, “this is it,” I exclaimed.

“there are two beds, so you guys don’t have to fight for it,” my mom said from the door.

Ashley jumped scared, “jeez, Mrs. B. you scared me,” he said sighing, CC and I laughed.
“stop that,” he glared at us, then smiled.

My mom was laughing, when she stopped she said, “dinner is ready, so come down when you are ready,” she smiled then left.

“Thanks,” we yelled. She laughed.

“I’m gonna go change,” I said, they nodded and started to dig in their bags.

I walked down the hall to my room.

I took my bag to get a change of comfy clothes. I started to remove my shirt then I noticed a girl, in the next house, she seemed to notice me too because she dropped her book and stared at me.

That went on for what seemed like hours, then she started crying, I don’t know why.
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I'm soooo sorry for the wait
I hope you liked it :D

- Amy :3