I Love You More Than I Can Ever Scream

He's back.

The past four months have went by really fast. My car finally came and on the first day of school, Derrick and I became friends with three dudes. Their names are Alex, Max and Reuben, we also found out that they play instruments so we formed a band and we're called Blood Shot Memories.

I sing and scream for the band, Derrick plays lead guitar, Max plays guitar, Reuben plays drums and Alex plays bass. Alex is also the man whore of the band.

Alex and Max are twins and are in the same year as my brother. They are about 5ft 10" tall, have emo style hair and have blue eyes. Alex has platinum blonde hair and Max has black. Then there's Reuben. He is 6ft tall, also has emo hair which is black with a shocking blue fringe and has amazing forest green eyes. Oh and he's gay.

I remember the day that Derrick and I met them.

- Flashback -

After Derrick and I got our schedules, we went and found our lockers. As I unlocked mine I heard a squeal and then someone say.

"Hey biatch, I love your shoes." I turned around and saw three dudes standing in front of me, I cocked my head to the side, looking at the one in the middle.

"Thanks whore, I love your belt." I replied. Smirking I pointed to his bullet belt.

"Really? Awe thanks babycakes." I laughed at the babycakes comment.

"So I take it your the new kids?" The one on the left with the blonde hair said to us. I looked at Derrick, then looked back at them.

"Well considering we're the only new people here and new to the neighbourhood I guess we are the new kids." I sarcastically replied and smirked. The other two and Derrick laughed. The one in the middle came up and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you already girl, you're my new best friend." I laughed and hugged him back.

- End Flashback

The guys had just left the house since we just finished band practice, mum was away out at work so it was only Derrick and I in the house. We were sitting in the livingroom watching Kerrang and listening to Paramore's song Pressure.

After it was finished I stood up and turned to Derrick.

"I'm going upstairs." He nodded his head not taking his eyes off of the tv. I shrugged and jogged up the stairs and went into my bedroom. The plain black wall that my mum left so i could decorate now had quotes from what the guys and I had said, along with our lyrics and some Black veil Brides lyrics.

Sighing I walked over to my dresser and picked up my harry Potter and The Prisoner Of Azkaban I was half-way through reading it for the third time. From the corner of my eye I saw a flash of pale white outside my window, I turned my head and noticed it was someone getting dressed but not just anyone, I dropped my book in shock. Andy.

I locked eyes with those clear, crystal blue eyes. He stared into my yellow cat eyes (I was wearing yellow cat eye contacts today) and I stared into his blue ones. It felt like forever when I finally tore my eyes away from his. Tears blurred my vision and trailed down my cheeks, my make-up running down my face. He frowned when he saw the tears and opened his mouth to say something. A sob escaped my lips as I shook my head. I turned quickly on my heel and ran down the stairs.

I collapsed to the floor when I entered the livingroom. Derrick snapped his head towards my direction and when he saw me he ran over and enveloped me into a hug.

"Sammie? Lil' one what's wrong?" He whispered into my hair. I shook my head frantically.

No! my mind shouted. He can't be here! He just can't! Derrick sat down on the floor, pulled me onto his lap and tightened his hold on me.

"Sammie what's wrong? You have to tell me."

"H- he- he's b- back" I whispered hoarsely. Derrick stiffened under me.

"Who's back?" He said while running one of his hands through my hair. I tucked my head under his chin, gripping onto his shirt I said through my tears.

"Andy, Derrick. Andy is back." as the words came out of my mouth it hit me like a wrecking ball all over again.

"He's back"
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