As Fate Would Have It


Things were perfect. There was no other way I could possibly describe it. Well, I could, but I would sound like some lovesick teenager who thought her boyfriend was Superman, even if I thought he was. There was nothing I could complain about. Nothing I could possibly pick apart. It was rare that I couldn't find something to complain about, but it was a nice feeling knowing that everything was so right in the world that I had no reason to complain.

I was sitting behind my desk at work thinking about all of this when a knock came in my door way. I had a tiny office set in a little corner where I did all of my paper work for the morning crew to see. Rarely did I get bothered being back there, but when I did, it was usually to let the receptionist at the desk take a break, or fix some usual problem that happened once in a blue moon. I looked up at the receptionist standing in my doorway before glancing at the clock. It was about time for me to go for the day, and hopefully wander back to my apartment for some much needed rest. "There's someone here to see you," she chimed before leaving about as quickly as she came. At first, I tried to wrap my mind around who could possibly be coming to visit me before I shot up in my chair, sending it crashing into the wall. Kris.

The smile on my face grew as I walked myself out to the front desk, awaiting whatever surprise he had in store for me. This wasn't the first time he had wondered into work right as I was about to get off and whisked me off to some romantic breakfast spot. I was fiddling with my fingers as I walked into the lobby. I was nearly to the desk when I finally looked up to see the person staring back at me. The smile on my face quickly dropped as my eyes landed on the man in front of me. "What are you doing here?"

"We need to talk," Ian began

I couldn't speak. I opened my mouth to have the words come out, but they wouldn't. It wasn't that I didn't know what to say, since the "fuck you" was right on the tip on my tongue before he spoke again.

"Give me a chance, Savannah," Ian began again, sympathy seeping every syllable that came from his mouth. My eyes searched his for any reason I could possibly think of that would give me a reason to tell him no, to tell him to crawl back into the hole he crawled out of, but I couldn't. It had never been in my nature to be cruel, and just by looking at him, I felt like I owed him something. In reality, I owed him nothing at all. He didn't even deserve my respect anymore. Then again, my boyfriend had punched him in the face once, and I still felt slightly guilty because of that, but I didn't owe him now.

Just as I opened my mouth to explain that I was still on the clock and didn't have time to get into anything, my replacement waltzed through the door. The only morning I needed her to be late, she decided to be on time. "Go home Savannah," my replacement chirped at me, the smile plastered on her face. She told me every morning to go home, and I took the offer like an invitation most days, but today I wish she would have told me to stay. Looking back to Ian, I felt myself groan before storming back to my office to grab my things. Home. I just wanted to go home. Now I couldn't. Now, Ian would follow me the entire way, since I walked to and from work anyways. There was no way to avoid this now.

Walking out of my office, I started towards the door, not even looking up at Ian as I stormed passed him. He followed, much like I thought he would. "Savannah. Savannah, please," he pleaded from behind. "Savannah, baby. Don't be heartless." Those words stopped me in my tracks. Heartless. He was calling me....heartless? Looking down at my black heels, I sighed before turning to face him.

"For one, I am not your baby, and I never was. I fucking hate your nicknamed," I chimed, knowing good and well that if it was Kris calling me baby I wouldn't be acting this way, "Two, I have nothing to say to you. You jumped to conclusions about me. You called me a slut and a whore. You ran your mouth to Ellie. What possible reason should I have for talking to you?"

He said nothing. Instead, I watched as he reached into the depths of his coat pocket and pulled out a legal envelop. He held it out to me. I didn't need instructions to be told what to do next. I snatched the envelope from him and opened it slowly. Inside were pictures, which was the last thing I was expecting. My eyes travelled to the photographs in my hands, flipping through them slowly. What I saw caused my jaw to drop slightly. Kris and...some girl. I hadn't ever seen her before, but she looked strangely familiar. There was something about her face that just screamed "you know who I am," but I lacked any sort of name to pair with that face. In some, he had his arms around her. In some, she was hanging all over him. I swallowed hard, holding them up for him to see. "What the hell are these?" I resisted the urge to throw them back in his face, but I knew that wouldn't help matters.

"What, or rather who, your boyfriend was doing last night."