As Fate Would Have It

Wake Up

"Savannah. Savannah!"

Ellie snapped her fingers in front of my face which finally caught my attention. In a way, I thought this had all been a dream. I've had them before. Surrounded by the most gorgeous hockey players in the league. Chatting it up. Then again, the dream always ended with me making out with one of them before waking up to find myself alone in bed, or sleeping next to Ian. Either way, this wasn't a dream, and now I had five hockey players just staring at me.
"I'm sorry. out," I muttered, knowing that it wasn't true, but what else could I really say? Of course, they all probably think that I have mental issues or something now. I finally get to meet the men I've done nothing but cheer for and I make myself look like an complete idiot. The redness in my cheeks was going to make another appearance, and I felt it coming on. As I went to speak again, though I had no idea what words were going to come out of my mouth, Ellie's phone rings. Saved by the bell.

"Sorry guys. I have to take there. Here, get to know Savannah," Ellie offers, pushing me lightly towards the group before walking down the deserted hallway. All eyes are on me, which is something that I've always hated. Why couldn't they strike up conversation with one another? I perfected the art of standing awkwardly to the side while others talked. It would be my super power....if I had one.

"Good game tonight," I offer up as a starting point, smiling at all of the players in return, stopping on Kris for longer than the others. He seems more bashful this time around, turning his gaze before I had the chance. If I were to guess, he had a slight smile on his face as well.

"Thanks. Where were you sitting at?" Jordan asked politely. The blonde god practically towers over me with his 6'4" frame.

"On the glass. A section over from the Islander's bench," a description was all I could manage to get out, "Ian had tickets," As the words escape my lips, I realize that they have no early idea who Ian is. "He's my friend. And, it's more his parents had tickets than him. They were a surprise," heat began to rise in my cheeks again, and I wished more than anything one of them would take over from here.

"Seems like a nice surprise," Max finally offers up, knowing that I must be nervous. His eyes glance at the large watch on his wrist before hitting Pascal lightly in the shoulder. Some words were exchanged in French before the two turned back, "We have to be going, but tell Ellie goodbye for us. And don't be a stranger."

Before I can say anything, the two are down the rest of the hallway and gone. I wave slightly as they leave, and my elevated arm is hit by Ellie as she returns, "The boys left. They went to get drinks and discuss numbers or something. Ian says he's been trying to call you."
Shit. I pat my back pockets and realize the Blackberry that is usually glued to my hip is missing, "I must have left it up at my seat. I have to go back and get it."

Ellie nods, not offered to go with me, "If you want to meet me back down here, we can head out and get some drinks of our own. Although...shit. Louis took out car. Do you have Ian's keys?"

I shake my head nervously. Of course Ian would leave me here, stranded. His work comes before anything else, and he has done this before. It's always by accident, never realizing that I'm either waiting for him, or I have no other way home. Most of the time I rely on taxies, but that's expensive and stupid. If the walk back to my place wasn't so far, I would just do that. A groan escapes my lips before I look back to Ellie, who is back on the phone, "Who is she calling?" I blurt out.

"Max. Ellie has a way with him. He'll be back here in two seconds to take her home," Jordan answers with a laugh and a shake of his head, "I have to be going too." He offers up, smiling as he too walks out the door. That's when I notice the two French Canadians. They are standing next to one another, talking in their native tongue while Ellie blabs on the phone. Finally, my chance to sneak away and see if I can locate my own phone.

I find my way to a set of stairs that lead back up to the concourse floor. Biting my lip, I realize I really don't know what section we were in. Ian had the tickets, and I was too excited by the game to even recognize the section. Making my way into the area, I spot the benches and smile, "Ha." Once I see them, it's not hard to make my way around and down to my seat. It's not there. Sighing, I look all around, "It has to be here." I hear myself say as I glace under different seats.

"Want some help?"

The voice makes me scream, as well as bounce into the air. Somehow, I end up facing the man whose voice just startled me so badly. Kris. "Uh...Sure." I say, stepping a little bit farther down the row, looking around, "But, you don't have to. I'm sure you have to get back home."

He shrugs. It's casual, but something about it makes me stop and think. "It's alright. Apparently I'm also your ride home," Kris explains, his dark eyes checking the row behind my own.

"What?" I question. How did he get roped into taking me home? "You don't have to. I'll take a taxi. Really. I'm sure it's completely out of the..."

"Found it," he chimes in that French accent that comes out to play. Kris holds up my Blackberry with a smile and holds it out to me. "And it's no problem. Ellie has a way with people. More, she has a way with Max and he can be pretty persuasive as well. I'm happy to do it."

With that, I know any more argument is going to be invalid, and Kris Letang is taking me home tonight.