Status: Comment on the story and tell me what you think

Benefits for 2


I walked down the halls 2 minutes after the bell rang. I looked around waiting for that phyco chic Finder to come and tell me a little bit more about Envy. I walked to my locker and opened it, taking out a new pack of cigerett's. Right then someone tapped on my shoulder.
I turned around only to be facing a very smily short Finder dressed in a wierd outfit. ( copy this to see her awesome dress)
" Okay I got Envy to go out and buy me some stuff so we have about 15 minutes before she comes back to talk about her," Finder said taking my hand and leading me out the front door to the stairs and sat down. " First though i want to know why did you say yes to this." I looked at her and then to my cigerett.
" Well I'm new, she can help me out with getting some friends ... i hope... and plus you being the principles daughter works out great for me because with me doing this I can skip as much school as i want and won't get in trouble for it" I said lighting it and then started to smoke it. " Plus, with me not knowing anybody around here I can't get laid... With her i get to take her and use her just as much as she is using me and neither of us will fill bad about it"
"Hmmmm... sounds good to me, so what do you need to know" She asked as she dug around in her Gir bookbag for something, then suddenly pulling out her phone and started to press some buttens.
What did I need to know? I didn't really think about it, I never really did anything like ... this before so what did I need to know.
" Well here I will just tell you some stuff. her name is Envy Thorn, she is sweet and caring but if you screw her over she will get her revenge. Her parents are seperated and that is a touchy subject so don't talk about it.... umm.. OHHH her favorite colors are Blue and Black so ... just saying. She has a tattoo on her wrist with a crown and two swords going through it... I personly love it" She said and then stopped and looked at me. " I can't think of anything else"
I thought about it for a second and then looked at her. " I know she has never had sex or else we wouldn't even be talking right now. But how far has she ever went with a guy?"
" Kissing... maybe a little french but nothing major... she hasn't even ever cuddled with a guy, I am suprised that her and Damon dated for as long as they did with him being as horny as he is" She said saying the ending more to herself then to me.
" Wow so I have a lot to teach her and only nine weeks to do it" she looked at me suprised.
" What isn't that enough time?" She asked with a worried look, " She really wants to be back with Damon and this IS the only way"
" Well it may be enough time... but I have dated enough girls to know that sometimes it can take much longer then that to get through to them and bring out the wild side... if they have one" I said to her and she just stared at me... or at lease thats what I thought. I turned around to see a tall dude, around my height with the same look as me standing there and looking down at us.
" You two dating?" he asked and I stood up.
" No, why" I asked with a strait face and he smiled as his gaze dropped down to Finder.
" Because girly here is a major cutie, whats your name" He asked and she giggled as she jumped up.
" Finder, and your Saint...Oliver...Oli... I don't know" She said starting to get nervse and talk to herself.
" Call me Saint, my real name is Oliver but I pefer Saint" He said and then looked to me " and your the new kid, Gates" I nodded and looked over to Finder only to see her mouth dropped open, leaving me to question exsactly why.
" What do you want"
" I just wanted to meet you guys and to say that you Gates are a total dick.... I like you" He said with a funny grin.
" Thanks ... I think" I said and he laughed for a second but stood up strait and looked back to Finder.
" I think you both are cool, we should hang out some time. Here" He said handing Finder a small piece of paper and the started to walk to the parking lot. " It's the address to the place that me and my band a playing next week, you guys should come" He said and then just walked off to his black mustang.
" OMG Your such a Babe magnet" Finder said jumping up and down and started to dance around.
" To Guys? thanks but no thanks, Im good with fucking your friend" I said with a little laugh and she stopped and came infront of me.
" Let me lay out the rules, 1 you will NOT EVER hurt her and 2 dont you dare try to do anything bad to her or fall for her. If you break those to major rules I will have my dad get you expelled and sent to boot camp you got it" She said almost in a yell.
" Yes ma'ma" I said doing a little salute thing and she just laughed.
" Save it for Boot Camp" She said and then looked at her phone that started to viberate, she stopped for a minute and then looked at me " Thats Envy she is almost here so get down to the tennis court and take off those pants!" She yelled and I headed off to the Tennis Court without really thinking about it.
" Hold on WAIT... What!" I said and she started to laugh
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okay so this may seem confusing now but believe me it will all tie togeather. And By the way please leave me a comment about what you think and what you think should happen.