Status: Thank you to everyone who has subscribed, recommended, commented, or just read this story! I couldn't have done it without you :)

Loony Bin

Forty Nine

George is holding me
as we watch the tedious program
playing on the TV.
Angela is in her corner
sorting the colors of connect four
as George sneaks glaring glances
at her every once in a while.

I try to distract him,
I don’t want him to hurt my lover,
my Angel,
and the kisses I give him
seem to be working.

He holds me closer
and presses his lips
to the top of my head
showing his love for me.

His fingers stroke the small
mark on my cheek
from when he slapped me
and although the mark should frighten me,
his loving attitude
and pure contrite makes me
forgive and forget.

“I love you,”
I whisper
finding myself happy.
He glances down at me,
smiling his winning smile
and kisses my lips.
♠ ♠ ♠
feel free to comment or send me messages with ideas for the story. I'm finding that my inspiration is lacking.