Can't Stand It

249 Words

Can't Stand It. Christofer Drew wrote the song long before he met his wife, Marie. He can't remember exactly when, but it was in the early days of his career as a musician, so he was probably around seventeen or eighteen years old. He didn't really perform anymore. He was still a musician - at least, he thought so - but Never Shout Never was long gone. At twenty-eight he hadn't been known by that particular name for over five years. He didn't miss it though, not really. Or maybe he just didn't have time to.

He stared down at the little girl resting peacefully in his lap. She was so cute, and... Well, as Chris thought, he couldn't help but chuckle at the irony of it all. Sure, he wrote the song long before he even met the mother of his beautiful daughter, but for some reason, it fit perfectly with where he sat right then. Ella, his first and only child (so far), had spent all morning terrorizing their poor dog Beetroot. The dog himself looked worn out, but Chris - Chris was exhausted. Chasing after her was enough exercise to last him a lifetime, he thought, and he was going to do it all over again tomorrow. Yet, as he stared down at the sleeping child in his arms, he couldn't help but to smile. Sure, she was the naughtiest little girl he'd ever lain eyes on; he wanted to spent half his life mad at her, he just... couldn't. She was too damn cute.

And he couldn't stand it.
♠ ♠ ♠
And there we go (: Wish me luck!