New Place Second Chance

Most people don't know all that much about me just what I choose to tell them. Well if they all really want to know now is their chance through this story. Of course I changed my name and I changed certain people’s names. The only names that are the same are the friends that I can trust and count on to be there for me when I need someone to talk to, a shoulder to cry on, or just someone to hang with and now hopefully broadwaygonnabe won't be so mad at me cause I'm finally posting this story.

Character Description:
Name: Faith Rose Fitzpatrick
Hair (when the story starts): Medium length light brown hair that turns auburn in the summer (current look): shoulder length light brown with blonde highlights
Age (when story starts):12 (current age):18
Height: 5’4"
Birthday: December 28th
Parents: Barb Fitzpatrick (mom) Father=absent
Friends: You will find out throughout the story
  1. The New Beginning
  2. New Friends and First summer
  3. Eight Grade
    This chapter is all about Faiths final year of middle school
  4. Summer Fun and Tragedy Strikes
    Summers are supposed to be the best time in a kids life or so Faith thought
  5. Fresh Start or Fresh Meat? Part 1
    This is the first half of Freshman year
  6. Fresh Start or Fresh Meat? Part 2
    Second half of freshman year
  7. Different Kind of Summer
    Faith sees her real dad again for the first time since see was in 3rd grade
  8. Second Year Of Hell
    Sophomore year